RÜCKMARSCH Then And Now The German Retreat from Normandy
Following the successful landing by the Allied armies in Normandy in June 1944, Hitler's forces battled
for two months to contain the bridgehead. However, when his last-ditch attempt to recover the initiative with Operation Lüttich
- the counter-attack from Mortain on August 7 - failed, it was an implied admission that his armies in the West had been defeated.
From that starting point, Jean Paul Pallud takes up the story, following in the footsteps of the Germans as they retreat across
France. The next days and weeks were ones of confusion for the German command with staffs and technical services dispersed;
command and communication virtually non-existent; roads congested and strafed, and directives to build new stop-lines almost
immediately rendered obsolete by the flow of events . . . all within a matter of a few days. Although the Germans lost
nearly 300,000 men during the retreat - either killed, wounded, missing, or taken prisoner - nevertheless it was not necessarily
an Allied victory as by the beginning of September German forces had turned round and were once more standing firm, this time
along the 650 kilometres between Switzerland and the North Sea. This, then, is that story . . . told through hundreds of 'then
and now' comparison photographs by the author, and which includes some quite amazing discoveries that he made along the way.
Hard Cover, Size 12" x 8½", 376 Pages, Over 1000 Illustrations. (rzm) Price: $84.95

After the Battle. Sixty years have elapsed since the cataclysmic demise of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich.
In this book Tony Le Tissier (author of Berlin Then and Now) traces the rise of Hitler, the Nazi Party and its ramifications,
together with its deeds and accomplishments, during the twelve years that the Third Reich existed within today's boundaries
of the Federal Republics of Germany and Austria. The homes — or sites of them — of the dramatis personnae; the
Nazi legends of their martyrs; the sites of the former Third Reich shrines at the Obersalzberg; in Munich; Nuremberg; Bayreuth,
and in Berlin; the Hitler Youth schools and the Party colleges; the 'euthanasia' killing centres; the concentration camps,
and much much more. Tony then follows the progress of Hitler's war: from the attack on Poland on September 1, 1939 to defeat
in Berlin and the final round-up at Flensburg in May 1945. A final chapter covers the de-Nazification of Germany, the whole
volume being illustrated by 'then and now' comparison photographs which are the central theme of After the Battle. 480 pp.,
over 1450 illustrations, Large Format Hardback. Size: 12.5"x8.5", over 1450 illustrations, 480 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95

After the Battle. Published to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Normandy campaign, "Panzers
in Normandy Then and Now" is a detailed study of the German panzer regiments in Normandy in 1944 as seen from the German side.
The book is divided into two parts: the theoretical composition of the 1944 model of the panzer regiment, its equipment and
personnel, and secondly, individual chapters on the seventeen panzer units which saw service in Normandy. Research for this
book also resulted in the discovery of the location of the grave of the most famous panzer commander, formerly listed as missing
in action, when a Normandy roadside revealed its secret in 1983 as the last resting place of the victor of Villiers-Bocage,
Michael Wittman. Size: 8.5"x12", 212 pp., 373 illustrations, 19 maps. Large Format Hardback. (rzm) Price - $64.95

Nine days before Christmas 1944 Hitler played Germany's last card on which he staked everything to turn
the tables in the West. This is the first time that an attempt has been made to cover the entire salient in order to present
the battle in our familiar 'then and now' format. Hundreds of miles have been traveled by the author throughout every corner
of the battlefield to search out the scenes of past events - every known photograph belonging to combatants, civilians, and
in public collections and private sources has been sought or considered. All of the cine film has been examined frame by frame
and certain sequences illustrated and analyzed. In this way a number of classic pictures almost always used - or misused -
in depicting the Ardennes battle are not only placed in their context in the German advance but are also shown to be not always
quite what they seem! Size: 8.5"x12", 1260 illustrations, 31 maps, 544 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95

"A really sumptuous book... beautifully prepared and presented." -PRACTICAL WARGAMER. Using 'then and now'
photographs we look at Berlin throughout its many phases. The turbulent years of the Weimar Republic, when Communist and Nazi
fought each other for control of the streets, led to the Third Reich with its spectacular scenes of grandeur and glory. However,
the 'Thousand Year Reich', and the architectural megalomania it spawned which transformed the centre of Berlin, began to crumble
within ten years as the Western Allies dealt out massive retribution from the air. The Soviet land attack which followed finally
ground much of what was left of the city into dust. Berlin's position as the focal point of the Cold War in Europe is examined,
culminating in 1961 with the fatal division of the city by 'the Wall' which split Berlin into two camps - East and West -
for nearly three decades, leaving Berlin and island within a hostile sea. Finally, the story comes full circle with our description
of the unbelievable events of 1989-90. Size: 8.5"x12", 1700 illustrations, 472 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95

Jean Paul Pallud, author of the highly acclaimed The Battle of the Bulge Then and Now, presents —
for the first time through comparison 'then and now' photographs — a detailed account of the Battle of France: the forty-five
traumatic days from May 10 to June 24, 1940 that resulted in one of the most remarkable military victories of modern times.
During those six weeks, six nations found themselves at war, fighting across four countries. From the polders of the Netherlands
in the north to the mountains of the Alps in the south, and from the Rhine valley to the Atlantic coast, Jean Paul Pallud
explores every corner of the battlefield, the camera recording the scenes today where fifty years ago Dutch, Belgian, German,
French, British and Italian soldiers were locked in mortal combat. Battles great and small are described and illustrated to
colour the canvas of both the broad strategy and the individual firefight in Hitler's victorious campaign of Blitzkrieg in
the West. Size: 8.5"x12", 1880 photos, 640 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95

The Blitz Then and Now
Volume 1: September 3, 1939-September 6, 1940 Volume one covers the first year, the period from phony
war total war: September 3, 1939 to September 6, 1940. Beginning with endless air raid warnings and a sense of unreality,
it was a phase which was to culminate in Hitler threatening to raze Britain's cities to the ground. As a direct source
of the day-to-day effects of Luftwaffe operations over Britain at the time, the book utilizes extracts from the 24-hour log
compiled by the Ministry of Home Security and this provides a contemporary diary of events as they effected the Home Front.
These entries ideally form the setting for a detailed record of the losses sustained by the Luftwaffe over Britain and within
sight of land: a barometer of the air war, showing clearly the changing climate of hostilities. Every German crash on land
is listed with its crew, and footnotes are included on all the crash sites which are known to have been investigated or excavated
since the end of the war, together with photographs of some of the more interesting discoveries. Features and special articles
by historians and eyewitnesses intersperse the daily happenings, illustrating life at the time on both the civilian and service
fronts. Size: 8.5"x12", 856 illustrations, 336 pages. (rzm) Price - $64.95

The Blitz Then and Now
Volume 2 : September 7, 1940-May 1941 The day-by-day, blow-by-blow account of the Night Blitz. Beginning
with the first mass raid on London on September 7, 1940, the story is continued through the winter of 1940-41 with Ken Wakefield's
masterly description of Luftwaffe operations over Britain. The result of over fifteen years of study and research, his 150,000-word
account of each night's operations over Britain brings into focus for the first time the full details of the escalating attacks
as one raid exceeded another in size, damage or deaths. As in Volume One, German crash information is meticulously documented.
Over twenty features and special articles by historians and eyewitnesses intersperse the daily happenings, illustrating life
at the time on both the civilian and service fronts. Contrasting descriptions by German airmen give us an insight into just
what it was like to be on the other side. A unique record of a period which changed the face of Britain and cost the lives
of 40,000 of her people. Size: 8.5"x12", 1500 illustrations, 656 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95

The Blitz Then and Now
Volume 3 : May 1941-May 1945 The period in question began quietly with the Luftwaffe busy elsewhere,
yet the increasing attacks on Germany by the Royal Air Force provoked a response in the form of the so-called Baedeker offensive
of 1942. And it is against the background of the hammer blows dealt out to German towns and cities that the Blitz on Britain
during the 1942-1944 period must be viewed. Hitler's frustration at not being able to hit back, like for like, led to the
appointment in 1943 of a Blitz supremo to mete out retaliation. This finally came in 1944 with the Steinbock raids-known better
as the Baby Blitz-yet it was only an interim measure. As the manned bomber attacks faded, so a new and fearsome method of
attack by robot bomb began with weapons of vengeance. The V1 and V2 period is fully documented with the basic facts and figures
balanced by eyewitness account never before published. The three volumes of the Blitz Then and Now run to more than 1,500
pages and include over 3,500 illustrations. It has taken ten years to bring to fruition-longer than the period it encompasses-and
it is dedicated to the 60,000 British civilians who died and the 86,000 who were injured. Size: 8.5"x12", 1452 illustrations,
592 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95

Airfields of The Eight Then and Now
A unique, nostalgic look at the airfields used by the Eighth in the United Kingdom during the Second World
War. Conceived in war, the airfields experience their moments of glory and , when the war ended, were left empty and derelict
to die. The few which remain virtually intact have only survived because some private or public concern has formed a practical
use for them, although not always as airfields. Some of the more remote airfields still dot the countryside the same as when
the last plane left their runways and the last truck departed through the main gate. They are bleak, windswept and moldering
but they retain the atmosphere of the fine, high endeavors of the people who inhabited them and the aura of ineffable sadness
that hangs over memorials to fighting men. For such they are. Size: 8.5"x12", 400 photos, 70 maps, 240 pages. (rzm) Price
- $59.95

UK Airfields of The Ninth Then and Now
The US Ninth Air Force began as a headquarters for USAAF units in the middle east in 1942-43 but it is better
known for its role as the major tactical air force for operations in north-west Europe in 1944-45. Charged primarily with
the support of ground forces in the invasion of Normandy, the Ninth fielded a variety of aircraft and operated from over 60
airfields in Britain. Within these pages, all are explored and photographed on the ground and from the air, ranging from the
troop carrier bases of central and southern England. Then, the airfields were in the front line, vibrant and full of activity
as men and machine prepared to do battle. Now, they have adopted new faces: as centers of industry and international aviation
or venues for leisure activities and motor racing. Some still retain their war-like status as military bases while others
have returned to the plow as the wheel turns full circle. Size: 8.5"x12", 510 illustrations, 256 pages. (rzm) Price - $55.95

The Battle of Britain Then and Now
First published to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, After the Battle, plowed and
entirely fresh furrow across the legendary field of human conflict to produce a book which has now come to be regarded as
a memorial; in itself to 'The Few'. Never before has such detailed coverage been given to the losses of either the Royal Air
Force or the Luftwaffe. The graves of RAF aircrew that were killed have been listed, visited by the editorial team and photographed
as a complete and lasting record of those that died. The pilots, their memorials, crashes and crash sites, and the aircraft
that have survived are profusely illustrated. Twenty of the most famous fighter aerodomes have been explored and described
as they were at the time and as they are today. Also included is a complete listing of 'The Few' - more than twenty-five years'
work by the late John Holloway. The 16-page introductions to the Mk III/IV and Mk IV editions are available separately if
required. Size: 8.5"x12", 1700 illustrations, 848 pages. (rzm) Price - $126.95

War in The Channel Islands Then and Now
Besides being the only British territory occupied by the Germans in the Second World War, it is perhaps
less generally known that the Channel Islands were fortified out of all proportion to the rest of Hitler's Atlantic Wall:
a legacy that is explored in individual chapters on Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey and Sark. First-hand accounts of all seven
Commando raids are bought together for the first time. A summary of how the Islands' hotels were put to use by their German
guests may intrigue present-day visitors, and a review of the war museums gives an insight into the variety of relics that
enthusiasts have had the foresight to preserve. The war cemeteries are described, and there is a list of every grave on both
sides of the two World Wars. Annotated aerial photographs form an important aspect of the book-among them unique pictures
of Sark for which exceptional permission was granted to enter the island's inviolable airspace. Size: 8.5"x12", 650 photos,
256 pages, soft cover. (rzm) Price - $59.95

D-Day Then and Now
Volume 1 "People of Western Europe. A Landing was made this morning on the coast of France..."
With these simple-yet memorable-words, General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, announced to
the world on June 6, 1944 that the Allies had begun Operation "Overlord" to liberate Europe. Now, 50 years later, After the
Battle presents the full story: from its inception, planning and preparation through its launch on D-Day and the days that
followed, as told by the commanders whose responsibility it was. Many of the hundreds of 'then and now' photographs have been
taken exactly 50 years later - sometimes to the precise minute - from when the original events took place, creating a unique
two-volume record of the greatest combined military, naval and air operation of all time. Size: 8.5"x12", over 800 illustrations, 320
pages. (rzm) Price - $65.95

D-Day Then and Now
Volume 2 "People of Western Europe. A Landing was made this morning on the coast of France..."
With these simple-yet memorable-words, General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, announced to
the world on June 6, 1944 that the Allies had begun Operation "Overlord" to liberate Europe. Now, 50 years later, After
the Battle presents the full story: from its inception, planning and preparation through its launch on D-Day and the days
that followed, as told by the commanders whose responsibility it was. Many of the hundreds of 'then and now' photographs have
been taken exactly 50 years later - sometimes to the precise minute - from when the original events took place, creating a
unique two-volume record of the greatest combined military, naval and air operation of all time. Size: 8.5"x12", over 1000
illustrations, 416 pages. (rzm) Price - $94.95