The German Fallschirmtruppe 1936-41 Its Genesis and Employment in the First Campaigns of the
Wehrmacht The Fallschirmtruppe of the Wehrmacht won recognition for their valor and endurance
not only from their fellow German soldiers, but from their former enemies as well. On the basis of careful and comprehensive
research, including utilizing extensive unpublished documentary and personal materials, the author covers the history of the
Fallschirmtruppe from its genesis and early training to its employment in combat in Scandinavia, the Albert Canal in Belgium,
Holland, the Greek mainland and, of course, at Crete.
The reasons for the remarkable successes of the German Fallschirmtruppe
during this period are analyzed, as are also the conceptual weaknesses inherent in its formation, and the faults in the command
and control during its combat employment.
The author, himself a former Bundeswehr Fallschirmjäger and General Staff
officer, has also utilized accounts from those who fought the Fallschirmtruppe, and has thus been able to correct many errors
perpetuated in previous books on this subject, besides providing more complete coverage.
About the author:
Karl-Heinz Golla, born in 1939, joined the Fallschirmjäger of the Bundeswehr in 1958. After completion of officer training,
he served as a platoon leader and company commander and then passed the General Staff course. He undertook several assignments
as a General Staff officer in the fields of operations, war planning and doctrine in senior national and NATO commands. In
between he was also a commander of an armored infantry battalion. He retired in 1994 with the rank of colonel. Since then
he has authored several military history books, including "Zwischen Reggio und Cassino: Das Kriegsgeschehen in Italien im
zweiten Halbjahr 1943" (2004) and "Der Fall Griechenlands 1941" (2007). Size: 6"x9", Pages: 640, Approximately 100 B+W
photos and 12 color photos . Price - $79.95

The Leibstandarte in Greece: The 1st Battalion LSSAH during Operation Marita, 1941 from Battalion Archives This
large-format book contains over 300 previously unpublished photographs in superb high-quality reproduction. Originally photographed
in May 1941 by an SS-Kriegsberichter, the book depicts the 1st Battalion, Leibstandarte SS “Adolf Hitler” (LSSAH)
during their victorious march through Greece in 1941. Among the many images are notable Waffen-SS personalities – including
Peiper, Pleiss, Witt, Wünsche, Meyer, Wittmann, Himmler, and Dietrich – as well as clear, professional images of uniforms,
vehicles and equipment, all fully captioned. Also included is a brief summary and map of the campaign, rank insignia illustrations,
glossary of terms, plus several “then and now” images of the battalion crossing the Gulf of Patras in pursuit
of retreating Allied forces. Size: 9″ x 12″ | 345 illustrations | 240 pages.
Price - $69.99

Waffen-SS Armour in Normandy
The Combat History of SS Panzer Regiment 12 and SS Panzerjäger Abteilung 12, Normandy 1944, based
on their original war diaries
Waffen-SS Armour in Normandy presents the combat history of SS-Panzer Regiment 12 and SS-Panzerjäger Abteilung
12 in the Battle for France from June to the end of August 1944 based on transcriptions of their original unit war diaries
from the Military History Archives in Prague.
Both armored units belonged to the 12.SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend.
SS-Panzer Regiment 12 was fully equipped with Panzer IV and Panther tanks. The main AFV of SS-Panzerjäger Abteilung 12 was
the Jagdpanzer IV L/48 tank destroyer.
The structure of the volume is partly source publication (documents of SS-Panzer
Regiment 12) and partly study (the deployment of SS-Panzerjäger Abteilung 12). The text was written and footnoted by the author
based upon original wartime files in Prague that have remained almost unknown.
The book starts with the story of the
units' establishment and training in 1943/1944, including, for example, the shipments of equipment, orders of battle and tactical
numbers of the tanks. After this introduction, a highly detailed daily chronology of the combat actions is provided, from
12.SS-Panzer Division traveling to the Caen sector to Operation Totalize and the withdrawal to the Seine River.
from SS-Panzer Regiment 12 presented in the book include the following: combat reports, list of knocked-out enemy tanks, German
personnel and tank losses, combat orders, summary of acquired combat experiences and others.
This is an impressive
look at tactical-level events and command decisions, highlighting the armored combat tactics that were able to stop Montgomery's
Army Group from breaking through the German lines near Caen for two months. The study includes a number of detailed maps and
excellent photos. In addition, the book has benefited from the contribution of rare information, photographs and documents
from the archive of noted Waffen-SS historian Mark C. Yerger. Hardcover, 6" x 9", 304 pages, 61 B+W photos and 21 documents.
Price - $69.95

Panzers in the Sand: Vol. 1
The History of Panzer-Regiment 5 Vol. 1, 1935-41
In September 1939, the tanks of Panzer-Regiment 5 swept into Poland, a devastating
part of the German blitzkrieg that opened World War II with a terrifying display of military force. The following spring,
the regiment rumbled across France, again showing the destructive power of the panzer. But the unit's greatest fame would
come in the North African desert, where Panzer-Regiment 5 joined Erwin Rommel's vaunted Afrika Korps as it battled the British
back and forth beneath the scorching sun of Libya and Egypt.
Combat history of a renowned German tank regiment in World War II
Covers the unit's formation, its campaigns in Poland and France, and its first months with the Afrika Korps
Firsthand accounts from tank commanders and crews with hundreds of photographs, many of them not available
anywhere else. Hardcover, 8" x 10", 320 pages, 555 B+W photos. Price - $32.95

Panzers in the Sand: Vol. 2
The History of Panzer-Regiment 5
Vol. 2, 1942-45
- Combat history of a renowned German tank regiment in World War II
- Follows the unit from the sands of North Africa to the bloody cauldron of the Eastern Front, where it was
repeatedly destroyed and reconstituted
- Numerous firsthand accounts from tank commanders and crews
- Illustrations include photos, graphs, organizational charts, and maps
- Sequel to Panzers in the Sand, Vol. 1. (rzm) Price - $32.95

SS-Panzer- Aufklärungsabteilung 11 The Swedish SS-Platoon in the Battles for the Baltic,
Pomerania and Berlin, 1943 - 1945
The armor reconnaissance battalion in the SS division “Nordland” fought
in varied battlefields; from Ingermanland’s snow-clad hills, to the defense of the historic town of Narva. Then further
over Latvia’s billowing landscape against the Soviet armored thrusts that were threatening Riga. Later on, the battalion
fought in the muddy trenches in Kurland and on the plains of Pomerania.
Finally, in 1945, it was to be pulled in and exterminated in the final battle of
Brandenburg, in the last desperate defense of the Chancellor’s office in Berlin. This unit was unique as it contained
the largest concentration of Swedish volunteers in the German army during World War II.
This book is the first of its kind about the unit and it presents unique facts and
photo material. The book is based on diary notes and on an original manuscript written by men who participated.
The original material has been enhanced with additional pictures, more maps, more
eyewitness stories told by Swedes and more facts than the original manuscript contained. This is the first time that the world
gets access to such rich material with such an explosive description of the brutal reality on the Eastern Front 1943- 1945,
described by members in one of the most experienced front units in the German army’s most dreaded elite force; the Waffen-SS.
Hardback, 7 1/2" x 10", 425 pages, 37 color profiles and 250 B+W photos. (rzm) Price - $57.95

The II. SS-Panzer-Korps and the road to Prochorowka July 1943
George Nipe, author of "Last Victory in Russia" and "Decision in the Ukraine", has
written a revealing and unprecedented re-analysis of the II.SS-Panzer-Korps' operations during the Battle of Kursk in the
summer of 1943. Unlike all previous books on the subject, which refer almost exclusively to Russian accounts of the battle,
"Blood, Steel and Myth" makes extensive use of original German source material. In so doing he convincingly exposes the conventional
wisdom, which through its constant repetition over the years has assumed mythic status, as being fundamentally flawed and
patently untrue.
Based principally on Heer and Waffen-SS combat and intelligence reports from the
southern sector of the Kursk salient, as well as the individual accounts of veterans, the book covers in detail the daily
progress of Operation Citadel. With meticulous attention to detail the author illustrates the unfavorable circumstances and
erroneous command decisions which irrevocably doomed Germany's last major offensive in Russia to failure.
The personal notes, conversations and official orders of Generals Hausser, Hoth,
and Manstein are all closely scrutinized to shed new light on this much celebrated but incorrectly recounted clash of arms,
with particular attention being paid to the "greatest tank battle in history" at Prochorovka. With "Blood, Steel and Myth"
George Nipe sets the record straight with all the conviction of an Eastern Front historian whose veracity and impeccable scholarship
have been proven time and again.
"Blood, Steel and Myth" is heavily illustrated with hundreds of photos (many previously
unpublished) and numerous maps to provide a strong visual component to this unique account of the Kursk Offensive's Southern
Front. 13 tactical maps, shown at regiment leve Hardcover w/dust jacket, 8.5" x 11", 496 pages, 312 B+W
wartime photos. (rzm) Price - 75.00

Viking Panzers
The German 5th SS Tank Regiment
in the East in World War II
Classic World War II unit history of the 5th SS Panzer Regiment, part of the 5th SS Panzer Division "Viking"
The unique 5th SS Panzer Division was made up largely of volunteers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland,
Estonia, the Netherlands, and Belgium
This regiment served on the Eastern Front from 1942 to the end of the war, including action at Kharkov and
Draws heavily from the eyewitness testimonies of the 5th's members
First time in English . Hardcover, 6" x 9", 336 pages (rzm) Price - $28.95

SS Charlemagne The 33rd Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS
In May 1945, as the triumphant Red Army crushed the last pockets of German resistance in central Berlin,
French soldiers fought back. They were the last surviving members of SS Charlemagne, the Waffen SS division made up of French
volunteers. They were among the final defenders of the city and of Hitler's bunker.
Their extraordinary story gives a compelling insight into the dreadful climax of
the Battle for Berlin and into the conflicts of loyalty faced by the French in the Second World War. Yet, whatever their motivation,
the performance of these soldiers as they confronted the Soviet onslaught was unwavering, and their fate after the German
defeat was grim. Once captured, they were shot out of hand by their French compatriots or imprisoned. SS
Charlemagne is a gripping, fluently written study of one of the most revealing side stories of the war. Hard cover,
6" x 9.5", 192 pages, 30 illustrations. (rzm) Price - 39.95

This title is a complete history of the division, from its activation in France in October 1941 to its surrender
in Austria in May 1945. The 23 PD fought exclusively on the Eastern Front, and gained a reputation as a reliable unit in some
of the toughest battles of WW II. The list includes: Kharkov 1942, Caucasus, Rostov, Mius July 1943, Dnepropetrovsk and Kirov
Oct 1943, Dnepr Bend Jan-Mar 1944, Jassy, Romania Apr 1944, Poland Summer 1944, Transylvania Sep 1944, Debrecen, Hungary Oct
1944, East of Budapest Nov 1944, Stuhlweissenburg, Lake Balaton Jan 1945, Retreat into Austria Apr 1945, Surrender to British
May 1945. The day-by-day coverage, over 100 maps and hundreds of excellent photos make this book an excellent read and a valuable
reference for those interested in serious military history literature. The author was a member of the division and has assembled
a fascinating document, with a human element, that contributes to the body of historical research. Hardcover,536
pages, 641 photographs, 104 maps and 8 pages of color armored vehicle drawings. Price: $95.00

The author traces the complete history of this SS armored division whose core was originally formed to guard
concentration camps. It fought in France in 1940 and then almost exclusively on the Eastern Front from 1941 to 1945. It participated
in the most fierce East Front battles such as Kharkov, Kursk, Warsaw and Vienna, to name a few. It surrendered in May 1945
to the Americans who immediately delivered them to the Soviets. The division's history has been punctuated by atrocities,
the best know of which is the massacre of British prisoners in May 1940 but other bloody crimes are also recounted in detail
in this book.
Using eye-witness testamonies the author has reconstructed the exact route of the division in France.
There are also first-hand veterans accounts of combat on the Eastern Front. Finally, to complement this history, there are
very detailed organizational charts of the division including all heads of regiments, battalions and companies and executives
General Staff through the battalion level and an exhaustive list of all officers of the division who served in concentration
Charles Trang, is a 45 year old pharmacist who has been fascinated since childhood by the history of the Second
World War. In 2000, he published his first book with Editions Heimdal which was devoted to the SS cavalry division "Florian
Geyer" and he has contributes regularly to Heimdale's "39/45 Magazine." Although not a historian by profession, he still analyzes
the different subjects in great detail using original documents from archives in Germany (Berlin, Freiburg and Koblenz), American
(Washington), France (SHAT and IHTP) and Czech (HAV of Prague). Hard cover, 8.5" x 11", English text,
400 pages, 1100 photos and documents!!! Price - $69.95

The Military Intervention Corps of the Spanish Blue Division in the German Wehrmacht 1941-1945
For the first time in English, a new and detailed dimension to the history of the Spanish troops fighting
with the German Wehrmacht in World War II: the participation of the Military Intervention Corps in "La Division Azul" - the
"Blue Division". More than four hundred unpublished photograph provide an in-depth study of the military uniforms, uniforms,
documents, and organization of the Spanish and German Military Administration of the period. Hard Cover,
8.5" x 11", 192 pages, 400 color and b+w photos. Price:$59.99

Panzer Regiment 8 in World War II:
Poland, France, North Africa
Formed in 1936, Panzer Regiment 8 served in both the 10th and 15th Panzer Divisions and saw action in Poland,
France, and in May 1941 with the famed German Africa Corps, under the legendary Rommel. The regiment went on to serve with
high distinction in every major battle fought in Africa until May 1943, when out of fuel and ammunition, the regiment's ability
to fight on came to an end. This book sheds new light on the history of the German Panzer arm and gives in depth detail of
the lives and battles that were fought by these proud Swabian troops. Hard Cover, 8.5" x 11", 240 pages, over 170 b+w photos.

Fallschirmjager in Portrait
Studio and Field Portraits of German Paratroops in World War II
A little more than 30,000 men of the Wehrmacht and SS qualified to wear the famed Fallschirmschützenabzeichen,
or Paratrooper Badge, between 1936 and 1944. The badges they wore, and the images of the men who wore them, are avidly sought
by collectors and historians around the world today. The authors have assembled over 300 indoor and outdoor posed portrait
photographs of the Fallschirmjäger for this volume, most never before published, providing a fascinating representation of
the photographer’s art in World War II and a superb study of their uniforms, badges and insignia. In poses ranging from
fierce to thoughtful and even poignant, the German paratroops of World War II are seen here in perfect focus, as they wanted
to be seen, preserved in deliberate portraiture for posterity . Size: 9"x12", Illustrations: 300 full page sepia toned b/w
images, Pages 304, Price - $100.00

Waffen-SS Encyclopedia
World War II spawned some of the most famous-and infamous-fighting organizations the world has ever known.
None was more feared by its battlefield foes or more hated by political enemies of the National Socialist regime than the
Waffen-SS. Six decades after the last Waffen-SS unit capitulated or was annihilated, the facts about many aspects of this
organization are still shrouded in legend and half-truth. Loathed by many as a criminal organization, yet also respected for
the esprit, resolve, and valor of its component units and individuals, the Waffen-SS was unarguably a highly-complex, multi-faceted
phenomenon, unique among the military organizations of the world. Marc Rikmenspoel, has crafted the ultimate
reference for those trying to understand the intensely controversial and complicated nature of the Waffen-SS. A comprehensive
overview that will be useful to historians, buffs, wargamers, and re-enactors alike, no matter what your predisposition to
the Waffen-SS, you will learn a great deal from this book. The book includes a concise history of every one of the major fighting
formations of the Waffen-SS (those designated as "divisions"). Size: 6"x9", Soft cover, 300 pages, 82
photos, 20 page annotated bibliography. (rzm)
Sections include: — Formations — Structure of Divisions — Germans in the Waffen-SS —
Germanics in the Waffen-SS — Non-Germans and Non-Germanics in the Waffen-SS — Leading Personalities —
Weapons — Misconceptions and Controversies — Weapons Tables
Price: $19.95

Black Edelweiss A Memoir of Combat and Conscience by a Soldier of the Waffen
The author is a loyal member of his unit's veterans' group, and his bona fides as a soldier are impeccable.
Before The Aberjona Press agreed to publish this book, to the extent possible, his accounts of action against elements of
the US Army's 45th and 94th Infantry Divisions were vetted against primary source documents in the National Archives, by examination
of published unit histories, and by interviews with American veterans who fought against the author's unit. Especially extensive
research has been carried out by Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Foster, US Army (Retired) with hundreds of American survivors of
their savage battle against the author's unit at Reipertswiller, Alsace, in January 1945. All of the author's recollections
have squared with the available evidence. From every bit of archival and anecdotal information it has been possible to collect,
the author's pride in his unit's wartime record and battlefield conduct is fully justified. Apart from
the piercing insights into the question of why the German soldier fought as he did, the author's anguished, yet resolute examination
of the dialectic between the honorable comportment of his unit and the fundamentally reprehensible conduct of other non-combat
groups behind the front lines who wore the same uniform makes this book unique. Size: 6"x9", Soft cover,
224 pages, 22 photos, 8 maps. (rzm)Price: $19.95

Victory Was Beyond Their Grasp With the 272nd Volks-Grenadier Division from
the Hürtgen Forest to the Heart of the Reich
As the Allies arrived at the frontiers of Germany itself in the last autumn of WWII, the Germans responded
with a variety of initiatives designed to regain the strategic initiative. While the "Wonder Weapons" such as the V-2 missile
are widely recognized, the Volks-Grenadier divisions (VGDs) are practically unknown. Often confused with the "Volkssturm,"
the Home Guard militia, VGDs have suffered the undeserved reputation as second-rate formations, filled with young boys and
old men suited to serve only as cannon fodder. This ground-breaking book shows that VGDs were actually
conceived as a new, elite corps loyal to the National Socialist Party and equipped with the finest weapons available. Come
follow along with the soldiers of the 272nd VGD's Füsilier Company from their first battles in the Hürtgen Forest to their
final defeat in the Harz Mountains . . . learn the enormous potential of VGDs . . . and feel their soldiers' heartbreak at
their failure. Size: 6"x9", Soft cover, 412 pages, 88 photos, 22 maps, 3 illustrations. (rzm) Price: $24.95

The 1st Fallschirmjager Division in WWII Vol.1 The Years of Attack
Two superb volumes on their combat achievements. A total of 129 Knight's Crosses were awarded
to men from this division. The books contain many photos which have never been printed before. The books also include many
short biographies of the key personnel in the divison. This first volume "Years of Attack" follows the recruitment and training
and their vertical deployment in Scandinavia, Holland, Eben Emael, Corinth and Crete through two tough tours as elite infantry
on the Eastern Front. Hard Cover, 9" x 12", 228 pages, over 250 color b+w photos, colour maps, Orders of Battle. (rzm) Price:

The 1st Fallschirmjager Division in WWII Vol.2 Years of Retreat
Two superb volumes on their combat achievements. A total of 129 Knight's Crosses were awarded
to men from this division. The books contain many photos which have never been printed before. The books also include many
short biographies of the key personnel in the divison. This first volume "Years of Attack" follows the recruitment and training
and their vertical deployment in Scandinavia, Holland, Eben Emael, Corinth and Crete through two tough tours as elite infantry
on the Eastern Front. Hard Cover, 9" x 12", 228 pages, over 250 color b+w photos, colour maps, Orders of Battle. (rzm) Price:
$79.95 Available in August. Place your preorder today!

The classic one-volume history of what eventually became the 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking". Involved exclusively
on the Eastern Front, this was the initial divisional-level formation of the Waffen-SS to make use of foreign volunteers,
in this case, western European and Nordic types, such as the Dutch, Walloons, Danes, Norwegians and Swedes. Size: 6"x9",
480 pages, 112 photos and 30 maps. (fed) TBA

Portraits of German Paratroops in Combat
German Fallschirmjäger as you’ve never seen before! Over 160 images from the files of
the Bundesarchiv in Germany, the overwhelming majority shown for the first time in print since World War II. Printed mostly
full page and showing details of various uniforms and equipment, helmets with various painted camouflage schemes, wire and
covers. This book is a must have for any collector or historian. Size: 9" x 12", over 160 large format sepia tinted
b/w photographs , 192 pages. (sch) Price - $75.00

12th SS, Volume 1: The History of the Hitler Youth Panzer Division
Stackpole publishing has rereleased Fedorowicz's best selling (and now out of print) "12th SS HJ!" These
reprints are soft cover and though the content is the same, some items may have been omitted for publishing reasons. Despite
the minor changes, these volumes are still amongst the most comprehensive works ever published on the various aspects of the
German War Machine. We are happy to see them available again at a much lower price, making them affordable for all historians
and enthusiasts! Volume one details all aspects of the division's history with a balanced mix of both tactical and strategic
accounts, including the creation and training of these teenage warriors and their baptism of fire in the Normandy campaign
in World War II. Size: 6 x 9", Soft cover, 480 pages, 60 excellent wartime b/w photographs and 5 maps. (rzm) Price: $19.95

12th SS, Volume 2: The History of the Hitler Youth Panzer Division
Stackpole publishing has rereleased Fedorowicz's best selling (and now out of print) "12th SS HJ!" These
reprints are soft cover and though the content is the same, some items may have been omitted for publishing reasons. Despite
the minor changes, these volumes are still amongst the most comprehensive works ever published on the various aspects of the
German War Machine. We are happy to see them available again at a much lower price, making them affordable for all historians
and enthusiasts! Volume two continues with the survivors of the bloody fighting in France regrouping to make a final
stand in the Ardennes and Hungary before Germany was overcome by the Allies. A detailed and gripping account of the most famous,
and infamous, division to fight in World War II for any side. Size: 6 x 9", Soft cover, 448 pages, 60 excellent wartime b/w
photographs and 5 maps.(rzm) Price: $19.95

PANZER LEHR DIVISION 1944-45 The Panzer Lehr Division was one of the most élite
German Armoured formations in existence in early 1944. Its baptism of fire was in the deadly Normandy bocage. Although suffering
heavy losses in Normandy, the Division continued to fight in North-West Europe until the end of the war, seeing particularly
notable service during the Ardennes Offensive and in the Ruhr. The first volume in the new Helion series WWII German Military
Studies paints an extensive number of reports written by former officers of the Division, principally its commander Fritz
Bayerlein. Virtually all of these reports have remained unpublished since they were written soon after the end of WWII. They
cover all aspects of the Division's history, although with particular emphasis upon events in Normandy, the Ardennes and Germany.
A number of the reports include detailed order-of-battle and other organizational data. A very large number of situation maps
are also featured. The whole has been expertly translated, edited and annotated by Fred Steinhardt. Key sales points: * This
new series is designed at bringing into print previously unavailable archival material covering all aspects of the German
Armed Forces during the 1933-45 period. / * Volume 1 contains an extensive series of previously unpublished reports covering
all aspects of Panzer Lehr Division's combat history, especially in Normandy, the Ardennes and Germany 1944-45. / * Many reports
feature detailed order-of-battle data and are supported by a large number of situation maps. / * All material has been expertly
translated, edited and annotated by Fred Steinhardt. / * Publication marks a major contribution to the history of the Panzertruppen
during the final year of WWII. Size: 6"x9", 25 photos, 85 maps and tables & diagrams, 304 pages. (casemate) Price - $59.95

FOR EUROPE The French Volunteers of the Waffen-SS
In late 2000, the book 'Pour l'Europe: the French volunteers of the Waffen-SS' was published privately in
a limited edition of 500 copies. Helion are pleased to present a heavily revised and expanded edition of this book which provides
the definitive account of its subject, impeccably researched directly from French and German sources, and with assistance
from former volunteers. 'For Europe' covers: * The formation of the French Sturmbrigade of the Waffen-SS and its engagement
in Galicia/* The formation of the French Division of the Waffen-SS called 'Charlemagne', including brief histories of its
main component parts, namely the LVF and Milice française/* The bitter fighting and and massacre of 'Charlemagne' on the Eastern
Front, in Pomerania 1945 /* The reformation of 'Charlemagne'/* A blow-by-blow account of the French Sturmbataillon in the
final battle for Berlin/* The French Waffen-SS in NW Europe 1944-45, including a new and detailed study of the events
surrounding the murder of 12 French volunteers of the Waffen-SS at Bad Reichenhall with information provided by a relative
of one of those murdered/* The story of a French nurse of the Waffen-SS/* New material on the French volunteers who served
with the NSKK and SK-OT/* The postwar years/* The former French volunteers of the Waffen-SS who fought in the ranks of the
BILOM in Indochina. Key sales points: * For years, knowledge of the history and fate of the French volunteers of the Waffen-SS
has been plagued by inaccurate and misleading accounts. 'For Europe' now tells this story accurately for the first time. An
exhaustive account of the formation and service of all French SS units, focusing on the 33rd 'Charlemagne' Division Includes
officer lists. One of the most important books relating to the Waffen-SS published in recent years. Size: 6"x9", 6maps, 424
pages. (casemate) Price - $59.95

During the interwar years the major European powers learnt the military lessons of World War 1. However,
the erstwhile combatants had come to different conclusions about the nature of any future war. For the French, in particular,
fearful of losing a further generation of men in another war, saw the creation of a major fortification — the Maginot
Line — along their border with the Germans as providing the best guarantee that there would be no further invasion from
the east and the Belgians also, remembering their experience of invasion in August 1914, also constructed defensive lines,
most notably the fort of Eben Emael. The Germans, however, had learnt other lessons and had experienced more modern warfare
in their involvement in the Spanish Civil War. For the Germans, any future war would be fought by the integration of infantry,
armor and air power into a single offensive force — a strategy that became known as Blitzkrieg. Size: 9"x12", 170 b/w
and color photos, 96 pages.(casemate) Price - $29.95

Foreign Volunteers in the Waffen SS 1940-1945
The divisions of the Waffen-SS were the elite of Hitler's armies in World War II, but some of the most fanatical
of these were not even German. SS: Hitler's Foreign Divisions is an in-depth examination of the approximately 350,000 foreign
volunteers from German-occupied countries who opted to fight for the Third Reich as members of the Waffen-SS. The book explores
the background to their recruitment and describes-on a unit-by-unit basis-their history, structure, and combat record in the
war. Despite their non-Germanic background, the Norwegians, Dutch, Danes, Belgians, Latvians, Estonians,
Cossacks, Ukrainians, and other nationalities-often motivated by an extreme anti-Communist zeal- fought hard on the Eastern
Front for the Nazi cause, even when their position was hopeless. Often treated badly by their German commanders, the foreign
SS units were not all excellent combat formations, however. some, like the British and Indian volunteers, were used for propaganda
purposes only, while others, like the notorious Dirlewanger Brigade, who helped brutally suppress the Warsaw Rising, were
nothing more than murderous criminals in uniform. Other divisions-such as the Russian-recruited 30th Waffen- Grenadier Division
der SS, formed in the final months of the war-never reached a functional strength, and were disbanded before they saw action.
Illustrated with rare photographs and written by an acknowledged expert, SS: Hitler's Foreign Divisions is a definitive history
of the foreign SS units who fought for Hitler and Germany in World War II. Size: 8.4"x10.4", b/w photo throughout, 192 pages.(casemate)
Price - $34.95

German Mountain Troops in World War II
Under the emblem of the Edelweis, the soldiers of the German mountain corps fought on every
front in the Second World War – in the tundra of Lapland, in the gorges of the Balkans, on Crete, in the High Caucasus,
at Monte Cassino and finally in Upper Italy and the Western Alps, at the Semmering, in Bavaria and Tyrol. Mountain troops
even formed part of Rommel’s famed Afrikakorps. During the war, the army alone formed a total of eleven mountain divisions,
plus independent battalions and units. The accomplishments of the “Men of the Edelweis” are still held in high
regard by historians and military experts. Armed forces and special units worldwide use their alpine and combat abilities
as an example, for in mountain fighting the weather and the terrain often caused more casualties than the enemy. Through impressive
photographs and brief, insightful text, this chronicle offers the reader and extraordinary view into the world of these elite
troops, who were always committed where the outcome hung in the balance.
Size: 8.5"x11", over 340 B/W photos, 272 pages. Price - $59.95

Rommel’s Tropical Army in Original Color
The soldiers fighting in the deserts of North Africa did not fight on a black & white canvas –
the war was in color! This book, for the first time ever in print, presents a pictorial chronology of the campaign in Africa
and the Deutschen Afrikakorps (DAK) – the German Afrikakorps – the way the soldiers themselves experienced it—the
way they lived it: in color. It offers more than 150 photographs derived from what at that time, was revolutionary original
color slide film. These pictures portray the leaders, men and equipment of the Afrikakorps from the arrival of its first units
in Tripoli, Tunisia through its astounding advance across the Libyan Desert to Egypt and its eventual withdrawal back to Tunisia
after the bitter, lost struggle with the British at El Alamein. Heavy artillery in position, antitank guns firing missions,
cooks making noodles; Panzers on the move, aircraft, weapons and equipment – glimpses into the everyday existence of
the Afrikakorps soldier in the wastes of the Libyan Desert and the rugged terrain of Tunisia – all of these are here
in the original quality color – with many detailed captions. This book offers an entirely new view of the war in Africa
that will prove a useful reference for veterans, historians, military modelers, re-enactors and militaria collectors alike.
As an added bonus, the final section includes color photos of the subsequent events in Sicily and Southern Italy. A brief
glossary is also included. This is how the war in Africa was really fought: in color! Hard cover, size 11 3/4"x9", over 200
color and B/W photographs, pages 192. Price - $59.95

A very thorough examination of the Luftwaffe’s Flak arm as well as the whole range of German ground
defenses from air defense radar to decoy sites. The contribution of the Flak arm has previously been either ignored or dismissed
as relatively ineffective and costly. The author convincingly argues that Flak was both a highly effective means of defense
and relatively cost efficient. Indeed, in the last months of the war the Flak guns were virtually the only means of defense
against the Allied bombing of cities and industrial sites. This excellent book fills what has been a significant gap in the
history of the Luftwaffe in World War II Highly recommended. Size: 6"x9", 25 photos, 16 tables, 394 pages. (fed) Price - $45.00

More than 250 period photographs, many never published before, coupled with a first-hand history of the
regiment, written by one of its former officers! A great complement to the 3-volume "Großdeutschland" series. This volume
traces the history of the tank formations with "Großdeutschland," starting with the battalion and culminating with the regiment.
Panzerregiment "Großdeutschland" had the largest tank regiment in the German Army. In 1944 it had three battalions, one of
which was equipped with the Tiger -- the only German Army regimental formation so equipped. Excellent accounts of the fighting,
especially at "Zitadelle" and Targul Frumos. Some superb late war photos, including Panthers and Tigers as well as interesting
assault gun and Nebelwerfer images. Size: 6"x9", 250+ period photos, 443 pages. (rzm) Price - $50.00

Panzers on the Eastern Front General
Erhard Raus and his Panzer Divisions in Russia, 1941-1945 General Erhard Raus was one of the German Army's
finest panzer generals and a leading exponent of blitzkrieg in the east. German panzers were witness to the incredible onslaught
that was the first few months of Barbarossa, then the gradual strengthening of Russian resistance, counterattack, and, ultimately,
the long and drawn-out German retreat. Raus and his panzers therefore were tested in every conceivable tactical situation
and, inevitably, Raus became highly versed in all aspects of mobilized warfare. This account by Erhard Raus, edited by leading
Eastern-Front expert Peter G. Tsouras, concentrates on German efforts to relieve Stalingrad and Raus, as commander of 6th
Panzer Division, was in the thick of this bitter action, urging his panzers forwards in a massive effort to break the Soviet
strangle-hold. Written originally to brief the American Army, this valuable material is now made available for the first time.
Size: 6"x9", 256 pages.(stackpole) Price - $34.95

WWII GERMAN INFANTRYMAN AT WAR This book looks at the lot of the average Landser,
the German "Grunt", who fought through Blitzkrieg, in the Western Desert, and in the horrific frozen wastes of Russia against
the most implacable of foes. Most of the photographs in this book come from private collections and have not been published
before, many from Feldwebel Gerhard Sandmann who joined the German Army at Northeim in September 1939 and fought from May
9, 1940, through Belgium, Holland, and France. He was then involved in the capture of the Channel Islands, saw service on
the Eastern Front, was wounded, convalesced in Berlin before seeing service in the Occupation Army in Holland. He was captured
by the U.S. Army in Belgium in 1944. WWll German Infantryman at War uses experiences such as these to evoke what World War
II was like at the sharp end by way of the soldiers’ own stories and images. Size: 8.4"x11.4", 150
illustrations color throughout, 128 pages. (casemate) Price - $29.95

BRANDENBURG DIVISION Commandos of the Reich
In addition to its well-known conventional troops like the panzers, panzergrenadiers and paratroopers,
the German armed forces in World War II also made extensive use of special forces units, concentrated in the Brandenburg Division.
Their use of foreign uniforms and other tactics were clear violations of the rules of war, but the influence of the Brandenburg
Division on later special operations around the world is obvious. Size: 6"x9", 356 pages, soft cover. (casemate) Price - $24.95

Very few books have been written about this elite and somewhat mysterious clandestine operations unit. Noted
author Franz Kurowski has produced a very informative account of the Brandenburgers and their diverse missions which took
them from Western Europe to Rumania, Russia, Egypt, Afghanistan and many other countries in a series of daring actions. Size:
6"x9", 100 photos and maps, 305 pages. (casemate) Price - $50.00

TWELVE YEARS WITH HITLER A History of 1. Kompanie Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler 1933-45 The
original cadre of the later Waffen-SS was formed in March 1933 as the "SS Headquarters Guard Berlin". From the first 117 volunteers
emerged more than 50 senior SS officers, all of whom received high decorations for bravery in the 38 Waffen-SS divisions that
were formed later. Twenty former members of this company alone won the Knight's Cross. In the years of peace the 1st Comany
of this elite force took part in the most important functions of the Third Reich as an honor formation. This book is an impressive
joint effort by surviving veterans in words and pictures . Size: 9"x12", 460 b/w photos, 30 maps, 384 pages. (Schiffer)
Price - $69.95

FOR THE HOMELAND! The History of the 31st Waffen-SS Volunteer
Grenadier Division
Although much has been published about the Waffen-SS in English, coverage of the majority
of its units is patchy, inaccurate or even nonexistent. This carefully-researched study from Rudolf Pencz records the complete
history of one of these rarely-covered W-SS formations, the 31st W-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division. The division, established
in Autumn 1944, was mainly composed of ethnic Germans living in Hungary. After a brief period of training, the division was
soon sent into action against the Red Army in Hungary, late 1944. At the end of the year it was withdrawn from the front for
rest and refitting, before participating in the bitter fighting against the Soviets in Silesia until the end of the war. The
remnants of the division surrendered to the Soviets in May 1945. For the Homeland! is a detailed and complete history of the
division; the text features a large number of personal accounts and eyewitness reports from former members. Detailed appendices
include divisional officer lists, and a complete order-of-battle. Key FeaturesAn accurate and well-researched study which
breaks new ground in English-language coverage of the Waffen-SS. Text features a large number of personal accounts and eyewitness
reports from former members of the division . Also includes detailed appendices. First time any detailed and accurate
information about the 31st Waffen-SS Division has appeared in English.Size: 6"x9", 10 b/w photos, 15 b/w maps, 224 pages.
Price - $52.95

The History of the 7th SS Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen
This tough SS mountain division fought in Yugoslavia in a vicious war against Tito’s partisans
and, later, regular Russian troops in some of the harshest terrain imaginable. Many of the place names, such as Sarajevo and
Mostar, are familiar to anyone following the continuing conflict in Bosnia. This history is complete is one volume. Hard cover,
small format (6"x9"), 352 pages, 70 photographs, 24 maps (3 in color). (RZM) Price - $44.00

TO BATTLE The Formation & History of the 14. Gallician
SS Volunteer Division
Of all the 'foreign' Waffen-SS divisions, the 14th has arguably maintained a higher
public profile and continued to attract more attention in the UK, USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine and Poland than any other.
Drawing extensively upon a wide variety of sources, the author details the abortive history of German/Ukrainian relations
during the first half of the twentieth century which preceded the formation of the Galician Division in the spring of 1943.
Set firmly within the political context of the time, this work demonstrates that from the outset both German and Ukrainian
architects of the Division sought to exploit the formation for their own conflicting agendas.
The author gives a careful assessment of the Division's military engagements and explains the reasons for its tragic demise
at the Battle of Brody, emphasizing how the military initiative and vast material superiority of the Red Army led to its virtual
destruction during the Soviet summer offensive of 1944. The book concludes with the cessation of hostilities, when the Division,
despite being the focus of Stalin's attention, escaped the forced repatriation operations undertaken by the Western Allies
in the immediate postwar period. Key FeaturesA widely-researched, accurate, detailed and impartial account of a particular
Waffen-SS division which continues to fascinate. Set to become one of the most important English-language books to appear
on the Waffen-SS in recent years . Size: 8.5"x12", 300 b/w photos, 352 pages. (casemate) Price - $79.95

This book is typical Tieke: terse, to-the point, factual and exciting reading! It presents all of the original
material from Tragödie um die Treue as well as selected excerpts from Korps Steiner and original material added just for the
English edition. It concentrates on the fighting in the Baltic but covers all the way until the end of the war and the final
fighting in Berlin. This will probably represent the only thorough account in English of some of the formations in the
corps: e.g., the 11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division "Nordland" and the aforementioned 4. SS-Panzergrenadier-Brigade
"Nederland". Hard cover, small format, English text,300+ pages, more than 100 photos, including 50+ previously unpublished
photos of a member of SS-Panzerjger-Abteilung 54 of the 4.SS-Panzergrenadier-Brigade "Nederland" and score of maps(RZM) Price
- $40.00

Leibstandarte III This volume covers the LAH division from 18 Dec. 1942 to 21 Jan. 1944. It deals with such important actions as the fighting
around Kharkov, Operation Citadel, LAH's deployment in Italy and the fighting for Zhitomir. Size: 6"x9", 468 pp., 89 photos,
Hardback. (RZM) Price - $36.00

Leibstandarte IV/1 Includes a seperate 44 p. full color map book for both this volume and the final volume, IV/2. Covers the
LAH from late 1943 to Sept. 1944, extensive coverage of LAH actions in Normandy after D-Day. Many personal accounts.Size:
6"x9", 360 pp., 53 photos, Hardback. (RZM) Price - $56.00

The final volume of the 5 volume series concerns itself with the final battles, with the emphasis on; The
Ardennes Offensive, the elimination of the Soviet Gran Bridgehead and the final offensive to relieve Budapest. Size: 6"x9",
458 pp., 70 photos, 6 maps. Hardback. (RZM) Price - $50.00

Das Reich 1934-1939
The first of a 5-volume set, this volume covers the 2. SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich" from its formation
in 1934 to the conclusion of the Polish Campaign in 1939. A lot of detail on the formation of the SS. Hard cover, small format
(9"x6"), 304 pages, 115 photographs 13 maps, charts and tables. (RZM) Price - $36.00

The first of a 5-volume set, this volume covers the 2. SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich" from its formation
in 1934 to the conclusion of the Polish Campaign in 1939. A lot of detail on the formation of the SS. Hard cover, small
format (9"x6"), 304 pages, 115 photographs 13 maps, charts and tables. (RZM) Price - $44.00

This volume traces the path of the division from the late summer of 1942 until the beginning of 1943 and
its evolution from a motorized rifle division to a SS-Panzergrenadier-Division.
Follow the division through the initial stages of the campaign in Russia: Withdrawal from the Jelnja salient to the gates
of Moscow to the brutal winter battles of the winter of 1941/1942. Continue on through its withdrawal from the front and its
refitting in Germany and France, only to take part in the coup de main mounted against the attempted scuttling of the French
fleet at Toulon. Finally, witness the division be rushed to the Eastern Front as part of the newly formed SS-Panzer-Korps, where it would participate in the epic fighting for Kharkov and the initial evacuation of the
city. Making use of numerous primary sources — to include the war diaries of higher headquarters, the division itself
and its organic subordinate formations and units — this is a first-class divisional history. In addition to a number
of period sources, the book makes use of an abundance of first-hand accounts that make this unit history come alive. The reader
is treated to a practically day-by-day account of this elite formation and is assisted in his efforts through innumerable
maps. Hard cover, small format (6"x9"), 496 pages with 85 photos and 19
maps. (RZM) Price - $48.00

The first volume of a 3-volume set covers the "GD" from its inception as a "Wach"-Regiment in 1921 through
its evolution into an infantry regiment. Covered are the unit’s first action in France in 1940 and its reorganization
as a Panzergrenadier-Division. This volume covers the regiment through the end of 1942. Hard cover, small format (6"x9"),
479 pages, many maps and orders of battle. (RZM) Price - $55.00

Volume 2 covers the "GD" from late 1942 until early 1945. It includes details on affiliated units such as
Kurmark, Brandenburg and the Führer-Begleit-Brigade.Lots of first-hand descriptions and small-unit actions. Hard cover, small
format (6x9"), 494 pages, 20 maps. (RZM) Price - $55.00

This is the third and final volume of the text history of this elite formation. We are in the process of
finishing the layout now. Sections include: The creation of Panzer-Korps Großdeutschland"; the complete history
of the Brandenburgers as a commando unit; the history of Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Brandenburg"; the final fighting of both
"Großdeutschland" and "Brandenburg"; the activation of additional "Großdeutschland" formations in the final, desperate fighting;
the "Führer" Divisions on the Eastern Front; the Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Kurmark".Each section is filled with detailed,
first-hand accounts from the participants. The author, Knight's Cross recipient Helmut Spaeter, recently passed away. Hard
cover, 6"x9", 512 pages, 30+ maps and diagrams. (RZM) Price - $58.00

The Commands, Units and Leaders of the General SS
The commands, units and leaders of the General SS are finally compiled into a single detailed reference
book for both the historian and SS memorabilia collector. This complete volume begins with an explanation of the twelve administrative
and command main offices involving the SS to include the development, components and functions of each, as well as their respective
office chiefs. The following section explores the most powerful posts in the SS, the Higher SS and Police Leaders, along with
the subordinate SS and Police Leaders found in occupied territories - both the commands and the individual holder of these
posts are examined in depth. The SS Main Districts are covered next including all their various subordinate components, title
changes, development, commanders and chiefs of staff. The more than forty SS Districts follow, detailed in a similar format.
Examining the more than one-hundred and twenty-five SS Foot Regiments in the General SS, the names and ranks of the hundreds
of commaners, as well as details of unit location changes, popular and honor titles as well as other data for each are within
a separate chapter. Finally, the elite SS Riding Districts and Regiments are covered similarly. Career biographies are included
for more than two hundred senior SS commanders, many of whom served portions of their career in the Waffen-SS, Polizei, SD
and other facets of Himmler's commands. The biographical data for individuals alone adds vast detail to this fascinating topic.
Along with more than 120 rare photos of SS senior ranking officers and seven maps, a detailed index allows referencing of
individual commands or personalities. Size: 8.5"x11", over 120 photos and maps, 256 pages. Price - $49.95

Elite German Divisions in WW II
Waffen SS - Fallschirmjager - Mountain Troops
This new book is a detailed look at Germany's elite units of World War II. It covers the formation
and combat use of the Waffen-SS, Fallschirmjager and mountain troops throughout the war and on a variety of war fronts. Details
include pre-war formation and training; wartime activities; individual unit histories; commanders, and a selection of war
era photographs. Size: 6"x9", over 80 color and b/w photos, 240 pages. Price - $29.95

Riding East
The SS Cavalry Brigade in Poland and Russia 1939-1942
Riding East details the history of the previously unexamined SS Cavalry Brigade. Beginning with a background
of the General SS mounted units, from which personnel formed part of the Brigade's cadre, the author details the organizations,
units and commanders of these pre-war formations. A detailed biography of Hermann Fegelein, commander of the Brigade, is followed
by a chapter devoted to the SS command in Poland where the Brigade operated during 1939-40 as an occupational force. The units
themselves are next examined from first creation in 1939 until they divided into two regiments in 1941, including all duties
and operations in Poland. Assigned to the Headquarters Staff "Reichsfuhrer-SS" at the start of the invasion of Russia, the
regiments the combined with other units to form the SS-Cavalry Brigade and conducted anti-partisan warfare operations for
most of the remainder of 1941. All the summer 1941 operations are examined in depth, including the massive Pripet marshes
actions, using original documents from American and European archive sources. Subordinated on 1942 to Army Group "Center"
the SS-Cavalry Brigade fought at the front during the massive Russian offensive in 1942 and was almost completely annihilated
in the Rshev area before finally being withdrwan and used as cadre for the new SS-Kavallerie-Division. Heavily documented,
the detailed text is supplemented by 109 photographs, most of which are previously unpublished. In addition, six maps, six
Order of Battle charts, complete officer rosters 1939-142, feldpost numbers, details of primary commanders within the Brigade,
as well information on the units and commanders it was subordinated to, complete a comprehensive history of first combat mounted
unit of the SS. Size: 8.5"x11", b/w photos throughout, 224 pages. Price - $59.95 |

The Cavalry of the Wehrmacht 1941-1945
This new book is a detailed study of one of the lesser known aspects of the German Wehrmacht
in World War II. Covered are the variety of unit types, equipment, insignia, training, and operations. Size:
7"x10", over 300 b/w photos, 208 pages. Price - $29.95

The SS-Panzer-Artillery Regiment 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) in World War II
The SS-Panzer-Artillery Regiment 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) in WW II
This book is the first volume about Artillery Regiment 1 of the 1st Waffen-SS Division Leibstandarte
Adolf Hitler (LAH). The artillery batteries of the LAH during the whole of World War II faced some of the hardest combat,
and probably no other artillery unit was used as often at critical spots on all fronts. While it had only three batteries
of light field howitzers during the French campaign, when the full artillery regiment was set up in August 1940, it later
received heavier guns and 88mm flak. In April 1941, at Lake Kastoria in Macedonia during a tremendous artillery battle, the
full regiment fired as a unit for the first time. During the battles on the Russian Front the regiment's artillery equipment
was constantly upgraded. One of the artillery batteries was equipped from 1943 with Wespe and Hummel self-propelled guns and
later with Nebelwerfer rocket launchers that gave the regiment its tremendous firepower. Especially during the difficult defensive
battles in the winter of 1943-1944 in the Ukraine, every artillery piece - whether a heavy field howitzer, or 15cm rocket
launcher - was often used at such close range that it was fired with barrels in a horizontal position. The battery was later
attached to the reconnaissance unit in the vanguard of the LAH and experienced the hardest battles while using "Panzermeyer
tactics" that required rapid marches and lightning fast deployment into firing positions. Nearly 300 photos, most never before
published, document the bitter battles of the LAH artillery regiment. Size: 8.5"x11", over 290 b/w photos, 208 pages. Price
- $59.95

The 1st SS Panzer Division
A photo chronicle of the LAH in over 300 photos including formation and campaigns throughout WWII. Size:
8.5"x11", photographs throughout, 120 pages. Price - $24.95

The 1st Panzer Division 1935-1945
Chronicle of the oldest and most experienced Panzer division in the Wehrmacht, and its combat throughout
WWII. Size: 8.5"x11", over 500 photographs, 226 pages. Price - $29.95

The 12th SS Panzer Division
A photo chronicle of the HJ in photos including its late war formation and campaigns throughout Normandy
and Austria. Size: 8.5"x11", over 230 b/w and 30 color photos, 120 pages. Price - $24.95

Chronicle of the 7. Panzer-kompanie 1. SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte
This chronicle of the 7.Panzerkompanie follows the unit history of a "Leibstandarte" tank
company from its creation in 1942 to the end of World War II. Compiled by former company commander and German Cross in Gold
holder Ralf Tiemann, the detailed text relies on both official documentation and the personal recollections of numerous unit
veterans. An individual level narrative covers the intense first combats for Kharkov in early 1943 and the summer Kursk engagements
later the same year. In 1944 the unit engaged the Western Allies after D-Day. Illustrated with private photos made available
from Waffen-SS veteran contributions, the detailed appendices provide a complete roster of all commanders, platoon leaders,
senior NCOs, award winners and those killed in action. Exacting cartographic material allows the reader to follow all engagements
in this first unit history of a "Leibstandarte" tank company available in English. Size: 6"x9", over 60 b/w photos and 30
maps, 320 pages.(SCH) Price - $29.95

The Mountain Troops of the Waffen-SS 1941-1945
The first comprehensive study on the little-known mountain troops of the Waffen-SS, complete with numerous
photographs and documentation. The 6th SS Mountain Division "Nord" and many other divisions are examined. Size: 7"x10", Photographs
throghout, 160 Pages. Price - $24.95

Himmler's Cavalry
The Equestrian SS, 1930-1945
Dressed in black uniforms emblazoned with the SS flash, Heinrich Himmler's horsemen carried the SS banner
across the German countryside and to equestrian competitions throughout Germany and Europe. They rode as the Equestrian SS,
an SS cavalry force designed to win elite support, to enhance social prestige, and to attract farmers to Himmler's essentially
urban organization. The Equestrian SS was the only SS organization acquitted at the Nuremberg Trials. Yet the Equestrian SS
trained to be a security and occupation force. In mounted Death's Head regiments in Poland and in the SS Cavalry Brigade in
Russia, Equestrian SS personnel fulfilled their obligations as devoted SS political soldiers. Driven by SS training, SS horsemen
murdered thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe. Wilson provides numerous anecdotes, statistics, and capsule biographies of Equestrian
SS personnel. This carefully researched study is essential reading for scholars and lay people interested in the history of
Nazi Germany, the SS, and the Holocaust. Size: 6"x9", 17 b/w photos, 224 pages. Price - $29.95

German Anti-Tank (Panzerjäger) Troops in World War II
With over 260 images, this new volume is a concise, illustrated history of Germany’s World War II
anti-tank weapons, units and operations. Photos include both the towed and self-propelled weapon types. Also included are
detailed unit organizational charts and line schematics of anti-tank rounds. Size:7"x10", over 260 b/w photos and line drawings,
176 pages. Price - $35.00

The German Infantry Handbook 1939-1945
Covers formations, strength, armament, equipment, rank insignia, rifle groups, rifle columns,
the company, light infantry weapons, recon, panzerjger units, pioneer, veterinary units, support services and operational
histories of the German infantry.
Size: 7"x10", over 220 photos, 288 pages. Price - $29.95

German Order of Battle, The Infantry in
World War II The infantryman was the backbone of the German Wehrmacht in World War II and the difference between
success and failure was often decided by the common foot soldier. In this authoritative study, George Nafziger examines unit
structures from divisional to company level. Based on extensive research into primary Allied and Axis documents and sources,
this valuable reference work is a comprehensive directory to a key element of the Wehrmacht and of the German military machine.
The German Order of Battle: Infantry in World War II identifies each infantry unit operating between 1939 and 1945, and details
the organization and precise composition of the formation. Size: 8"x10", 680 pages. (stackpole) Price - $59.95

Images of the Waffen- SS
A Photo Chronicle of Germany`s Elite Troops
Mark C. Yerger, responding to requests from readers of his previous books, this new photo
album provides material for the model builder, vehicle enthusiast, memorabilia collector and those interested in SS holders
of the Knight's Cross.
Size: 9"x12", over 320 b/w photos, 176 pages. Price - $49.95

Panzer Grosdeutschland
Photo history of one of the most elite fighting units in WWII by one of its former members.
Includes listing of Knight's Cross Winners. Size:8.5"x11", 248 pages. Price - $29.95

The Waffen-SS
Covers all divisions of the SS panzer corps in over 500 photos and covers the formation and
combat throughout WWII. Size: 8.5"x11", 240 pages. Price - $29.95

The HG Panzer Division
Luftwaffe Panzer division formed from the paratroop corps was one of the elite units in the
Wehrmacht and fought in North Africa and Italy. Size: 8.5"x11", over 325 photographs and documents, 176
pages. Price - $24.95

Like a Cliff in the Ocean
The History of the 3rd SS-Panzer Division "Totenkopf"
This is the one volume text history of the division that was written by Karl Ullrich, a Knight`s Cross recipient
and commander in the division. The text is about 50% standard unit history and 50% first person accounts. Although there are
several English langauge accounts of the division, this is the first one available from the perspective of the division itself.
The book covers the formation of the division in 1939 and its subsequent operation during the war. With exception of the French
Campaign in 1940, the division fought entirely on the Eastern Front and earned a reputation as one of the most capable divisions
of the entire Eastern Army, especially on the defense. Size: 9"x12", 327 pages, 27 pages of color maps, and 20 plus black
& white maps, 120+ photos. Price - $84.00

1941, Fallschirmjager in Crete
This new title captures Operation "Merkur" the Battle for Crete, through the eye-witness accounts of the
German paratroopers and those facing them, the British Expeditionary Force. This book, lively and precise, is the first to
show more than 400 unpublished and unique photographs of the preparation and the operation itself; it also presents detailed
organization of the forces present. These riviting first hand accounts will take the reader into the heart of the action!
Size: 9 1/2"x12 1/2", 160 pages, hundreds of B/W photos and color illustrations. Price - $37.95

"Green Devils"
German Paratroopers 1939-1945
Their reed green jump smocks earned the German paratroopers of World War II the nickname "Green Devils".
Having aquired control of airborne forces through political intrigue, the Luftwaffe turned an unlikely group of Army volunteers
and recruits from the Hermann Goering Police Regiment into the first parachute unit to make a combat jump. Although most major
countries were experimenting with parachutists, foreign observers were caught unprepared by the daring operations of German
paratroopers in France and Belgium in 1940. Other operations followed, culminating in the massive airborne invasion of Crete
in 1941. For the rest of the war German paratroopers mainly operated as elite infantry, serving on all fronts Including North
Africa. Size: 9"x12", 144 pages, 300 photographs. Price - $59.95

Twilight of the Gods: 11th SS-Panzergrenadier Div. 'Nordland', Eastern Front 1944-45
Few new personal accounts by Waffen-SS soldiers appear in English; even fewer originate from the multitude
of non-German European volunteers who formed such an important proportion of this service’s manpower. Twilight of the
Gods was originally written in Swedish, and published in Buenos Aires shortly after the end of WWII. Erik Wallin, a Swedish
soldier who volunteered for service with the Waffen-SS, and participated in the climactic battles on the Eastern Front during
late 1944 and 1945, later telling his story to this book’s editor, Thorolf Hillblad. Wallin served with the Panzer Reconnaissance
Battalion, 11th SS-Panzergrenadier Division Nordland, a unit composed mainly of non-German volunteers, including Danes, Norwegians,
and Swedes. The division enjoyed a high reputation for its combat capability, and was always at the focal points of the fighting
on the Eastern Front in the last year of the war. During this period it saw combat in the Baltic, in Pomerania, on the Oder,
and finally in defence of Berlin, where it was destroyed. Erik Wallin served with his unit in all of these locations, and
provides the reader with a fascinating glimpse into these final battles. The book is written with a ‘no holds barred’
approach which will captivate, excite and maybe even shock the reader - his recollections do not evade the brutality of fighting
against the advancing Red Army. Twilight of the Gods is destined to become a classic memoir of the Second World War. An outstanding
new World War II memoir, and a first-hand account of the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front. Written in an exciting and direct
style that is guaranteed to grab and hold the reader’s attention Contains much new information on the personnel and
actions of 11th SS Panzergrenadier Division Nordland. Hard cover, 6" x 9", 144 pages, some b+w wartime photography.(RZM) Price
- $34.95

Motorcycle Battalion of SS-Div."Reich" 1940-1941
A truly great first-person account by Helmut Gunther of his experiences as a motocycle dispatch rider in
the headquaters of SS-Kradschutzen-Battaillon "Reich" in the Balkans and during the first year of Barbarossa. Herr Gunther
has also provided us with some 100 photos for use in the book. The book reads like fiction and is hard to put down. We don`t
usually wax so enthusiasticallty about out titles, but this one is that good. We will follow up this title with the continued
exploits of Gunther as a platoonleader in the recon battalion of the 17. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Gotz von Berlichingen"
in Normandy and beyond. Hard cover, small format (6"x9"), 300 pages, 100 B/W photographs.(RZM)Price - $39.00
For Rex and Belgium: Leon Degrelle and Walloon Political & Military Collaboration;
Nearly 60 years after the end of the Second World War, the name "Degrelle" remains controversial in Belgium
and abroad. Reviled by many, honoured by others, Leon Degrelle's service in the German military continues to spawn controversy.
Was he a traitor to his nation, or a hero for anti-Communism? Until recently, the only information available on the man and
his political movement came from Degrelle's own memoirs, or from works heavily slanted for or against him. Eddy De Bruyne,
specialist in WWII Walloon Military Collaboration, and as such for more than 15 years correspondent to the former Brussels
based Centre for Research and Studies on the History of the Second World War (now CEGES), has devoted over 20 years to intensively
studying the available documentation, as well as interviewing the surviving collaborators of that era, including Degrelle
himself. De Bruyne's findings, set down in several French language publications, represent the most detailed studies of Walloon
political and military collaboration yet assembled. Now, with the aid of American Waffen-SS researcher Marc Rikmenspoel, De
Bruyne has combined his works into a single English language book. In a straight forward, introductory manner, the history
of Degrelle and the Rex political movement is set out, along with its eventual military collaboration after the 1940 German
occupation of Belgium. Also covered are rival movements and important personalities, along with an extensive list of sources.
The greatest portion of the book is devoted to the most comprehensive account of the campaigns of the Legion Wallonie and
its successor SS-Sturmbrigade/Division Wallonien (28th SS Panzergrenadier Division) yet seen in English. These units saw action
in some of the bitterest sectors of the Eastern Front from 1942 to 1945, including the Caucasus, Cherkassy, the Baltic and
Pomerania. The author’s present fascinating information about Degrelle’s Spanish volunteers and obscure Walloon
military formations. The text is supported by approximately 400 period photos, complemented by many maps and illustrations
of contemporary posters and other ephemera, completing a package that will be a must-have for military historians, aficionados
of rare photos, and collectors of materials on the SS. - Léon Degrelle remains a controversial and high profile personality
– this is the most impartial and deeply-researched study concerning his life and actions yet to appear in any language.
- The authors provide a detailed and balanced account of Walloon military and political collaboration with the Germans - The
majority of the book provides an extremely comprehensive account of the campaigns of the Legion Wallonie and its successor
SS-Sturmbrigade/Division Wallonien (28th SS Panzergrenadier Division) on the Eastern Front 1942-45 - The authors’ phenomenal
research is supported by nearly 400 photos, as well as other illustrations and many maps, making For Rex and For Belgium an
important purchase for military history enthusiasts, researchers and collectors of materials on the SS Hard cover, 8.5" x
11", 312 pages, b+w wartime photography.(RZM) Price - $79.95

Red Shines The Sun: A Pictorial Of the Fallschirm-Infantrie. A culmination of 12 years of research, this reference work traces the history
of the Army paratroopers of the Fallschirm-Infanterie from their origins in 1937, to the expansion to battalion strength in
1938, then on through operations at Wola Gulowska (Poland), and Moerdijk (Holland). This work also features original examples
of nearly all documents awarded to the Army paratroopers, as well as the most comprehensive study to date of the Army paratrooper
badge or Fallschirmschuzenabzeichen (Heer). Original examples of all known variations (silver, aluminum, cloth, feinzink)
are pictured in full color. If you are interested in owning one of these badges, this book can literally save you from making
a $2,000.00 mistake. Size: 9"x11 1/2", 240 pages, 600 photos (many in color) delux binding. Price - $69.95

The Gestapo: History of Hitler's Secret Police
From its creation in 1933 until Hitler's death in May 1945, anyone living in Nazi-controlled territory lived
in fear of a visit from the Gestapo--Geheime Staatpolizei--or Secret State Police. Young or old, rich or poor, nobody was
beyond the attentions of a brutally efficient organization that spread its malign influence into every corner of Europe in
the wake of the all-conquering German armed forces. The Gestapo is a detailed history of Heinrich Himmler's evil organization,
whose 20.000 members were responsible for the internal security of the Reich. Under its auspices, hundreds of thousands of
civilians, resistance fighters, and spies in occupied Europe were brutalized, tortured, and murdered, and many, many more
were deported to almost certain death in concentrations camps. The book describes the Gestapo's transformation into a vital
element of the Nazi regime, operating from the most feared address in the Reich---Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse 8. Based upon the
Gestapo's own archives and eyewitness accounts, the author charts the development of the organization, its key figures, such
as Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Muller, its brutal methods, and how the Gestapo dealt with internal security, including
the various unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Hitler. The Gestapo is a lively and expert account of this notorious but
little-understood secret police that terrorized hundreds of thousands of people across Europe. Hard Cover, size: 8" x 9",
208 pages, b+w photos.(RZM) Price- - $34.95
SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler`s Most Notorious
Anti-Partisan Unit
This is a brutal story - but, from the safety of fifty years distance in time - it is an extremely compelling
one. It is also an enduring lesson that a military unit, formed under an evil ideology, led by a social outcast and
composed of vicious criminals, will sink to its lowest common denominator - hate. The Dirlewanger Battalion, also known as
"Sonderkommando (special commando) Dirlewanger" was perhaps the least understood, but at the same time the most notorious
German SS anti-partisan unit in World War II. German propaganda correspondents and wartime photographers did not follow them
into action. And for good reason. Wherever the Dirlewanger unit - named for and led by Oskar Dirlewanger - operated, corruption
and rape formed an every-day part of life and indisdriminate slaughter, beating and looting were rife. Formed as a battalion
of convected poachers in 1940, the unit operated in Poland until 1942, guarding Jews in forced labor camps and making life
miserable for Poles in Lublin and Cracow. From there Dirlewanger spent two years combating partisans in central Russia, giving
no quarter and expecting none in return, during vicious fighting against an elusive foe in the midst of inhospitable swamps
and dismal forests. In 1944 Dirlewanger savaged Warsaw during the Polish Uprising, before moving to Slovakia to crush another
rebellion there. The end of the war saw the unit, which was now a division in size, fighting for its life south of Berlin
against the Soviet Army. Medieval in their outlook on war and cretainly not indicative of many German military formations,
this unit none-the-less remains a reflection of a segment of mankind gone mad in the inferno of World War II on the Eastern
Front. Size: 6"x9", over 50B/W photographs, maps, 336 pages. Price - $29.95
Comrades To The End
The 4th SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment "Der Fuhrer" 1938-1945 The History
of a German-Austrian Fighting Unit
Written by Swords to the Knight`s Cross holder and last regimental commander Otto Weidinger, Comrads to
the End is the complete history of SS-Regiment "Der Fuhrer". One of the orginal infantry regiments of the pre-war SS-Verflugungstruppe
(Special Purpose troops), "Der Fuhrer" was formed in 1938 and fought throughout the war as a component of Division "Das Reich".
Being among the most succseeful and decorated regiments of the Waffen-SS, this complete history was written with the full
assistance of four highly decorated regimental commanders. In addition to Otto Weidinger, portions of the text were contributed
by Grorg Keppler (Knight`s Cross), Sylvester Stadler (Swords to the Knight`s Crocc) and Otto Kumm (Swords to the Knight`s
Cross). From its creation from primarily Austrian recruits through the Western Campaign, to the bitter battles in Russia where
it was almost completly destroyed, the authors explain the engagements of this famous unit in full detail. Later it fought
in Normandy and finally in Austria at the end of the war as one of the last fully battle ready units of the Waffen-SS. this
classic study is now available for the first time in a complete English edition. With a preface by famed Waffen-SS commander
Paul Hausser, the detailed text is illustrated by more than twenty regimental maps in addition to photographs.
Size: 6"x9", over 70 B/W photographs, 30 maps, 384 pages. Price- -$39.95

Galicia Division
The Waffen-SS 14th Grenader Division 1943-1945
This new book is a historical account of the 14th Waffen-SS Galicia Division, (also known as the 1st Ukrainian
Division of the Ukrainian National Army). In 1943/1944 a determined group of young men and women in Galicia volunteered to
serve in a combat division destined for eastern front combat. Their goal: to engage and destroy Soviet hordes menacing their
homeland and to counter Nazi Germany`s subjugation of thier country. Although initally Galicia`s volunteers would serve in
a German sponsored military formation, in actuality the volunteers of the Galicia division wanted to engage all hostile
ideologies both from the east and west - in order to secure a free independent Ukraine. The division`s history is presented
along with a human aspect of what the soldier1s endured during the brutal battles on the eastern front. Hard cover,
size 3/4"x8 1/2", 370 pages, over 50 B/W photos. Price- $35.00

Himmler`s Bosian Division
The Waffen-SS Handshar Division 1943-1945
Current events in Bosinia-Herzgovenia have drawn the world`s attention to the plight of muslim
people in this once little known region of Europe. However, during the Second World War, Bosnia`s Muslims again stood alone
in the face of imminent physical annihilation. By 1944 thousands of Muslims were serving within the ranks of the Waffen-SS,
"Himmler`s Bosnian Division" is the story of the "Handschar", a muslim combat formation created by the Germans to restore
order in Bosnia. What actually transpired was quite different. Winner of the Reutgers University`s Sydney Zebel History
award, "Himmler`s Bosinia Division" provides a unique look at this little known facet of modern military history. Hard
cover, full color dust jacket, size 6 1/2"x9", 378 pages, B/W photos throughout. Price- $39.95

1941 - 1943 Afrika Korps
Germany`s Afrika Korps of World war II became one of the all-time greatest military legends. With German
offensives stalled on other fronts, Third Reich photographers gave maximum coverage to the Afrika Korps and its charismatic
commander Erwin Rommel. In this remarkable work, hundreds of photographs, many previously unpublished, cover every aspect
of the men, equipment, and campaigns of the desert army from the begining in Libya in 1941 to the bitter end in Tunsia in
1943. Size: 9"x12", 480 pages, 700 B/W and 100 color photos, maps. Price - $59.95

In Good Faith
The History of the 4. SS-Polizei-Panzer-Grendier-Division: 1939-1943 The Polizei-Division, as it was originally called, was one of the lesser-known combat formations of the Waffen-SS.
It was formed in October 1939 and was composed primarily of police officers, who volunteered to join the division, and it
served almost exclusively on the Eastern Front until the end of the war, where it eventually was equipped as a Panzergrenadier-Division
(mechanized division). In this volume of a two part history covers the formation of the division in 1939, its employment during
the so-called "Phony War" prior to the campaign in France in 1940, its participation in the later stages of that campaign
and, finally, its commitment in the East in the northern theater of operations. It was in the East that the division earned
its reputation as a tough and able combatant force, where it was especially steadfast in the defence. The volume finishes
with the fighting in late 1942 and early 1943 east of Kolpino and along the Narwa River bend. Size: 6"x9", 436 pages with
40 pages of black and white photographs, 34 mostly full-page maps and 78 pages of appendices. Price - $46.00

The Ghetto Men:
The SS Destruction of the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto April-May 1943
The twenty-eight day sige of the Warsaw Ghetto was one of the most protracted large-scale urban battles
in World War II. Only the fighting at Leningrad from 1941-1943, Stalingrad in 1942-1943, the Warsaw Rebellion of 1944, and
Budapest in 1944-1945 lasted longer. The Jews had resisted en masse and had created a legend that would transcend the war
and continue even to this day. Much has been written on this heroic struggle from the standpoint of the young men and women
of the Jewish War Organization, Nevertheless, a book from the German perspective has yet to be written that captures
all aspects of the fight from the standpoint of the attackers-until now. The Gheto Men presents every fact possible concerning
the who, when, with what and how the SS troops razed the Warsaw Ghetto. The men and officers of the dreaded Security Service
and Gestapo are here as well as the units, weapons and tactics, and a day-byday analysis of the fighting. Size: 8.5"x11",
over 110 b/w photos, 224 pages. Price - $59.95

The Field Men
The SS Officers Who Led the Einsatzkommandos - the Nazi Mobile Killing Units
Two thousand nine hundred forty-five men lined up in four motorized columns immediately behind the German
Army on June 22, 1941 as it prepared to launch Operation Barbarossa - the German attack on the Soviet Union - an attack designed
to win the war. Their mission - for the glory of Greater Germany - was to butcher as many human beings as they could get their
hands on - men, women and children who were at that very moment peacefully sleeping in their warm beds in dozens of large
cities and scores of small hamlets from the Gulf of Finland to the Black Sea, and from the border with old Poland to the outskirts
of Moscow. The field men of the Einsatzkommandos, the men of Bach and Beethoven, Grimm and Gutenberg - and now Hitler and
Heydrich - were very thorough at what they did. Over the course of the next two years, by means of machine-guns, carbines,
gas vans, explosives, rifle butts or ax handles, the field men would slaughter 1,300,000 people. The Field Men, a companion
volume to MacLean's The Camp Men: the SS Officers Who Ran the Nazi Concentration Camp System, covers the entire gamut, from
the organization of the units, to the SS officers who served in this scourge on the Eastern Front. Some 380 SS officers are
described in full detail and extensively analyzed. The photographic section of the book contains over 175 photographs, while
detailed maps show the locations for each unit throughout the campaign. Size: 8.5"x11", over 175 photographs and maps, 232
pages. Price - $59.95