
American Lions: The 332nd Infantry Regiment in Italy in World War I
Told here is the riveting story of the 332nd U.S. Infantry Regiment in the Army in World War
I. As Pershing’s “Propaganda Regiment” they were the only American regiment assigned to Italy, where they
formed a phantom army that helped defeat the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The 332nd fought in the Vittorio-Veneto Campaign and
following the armistice, served in the occupation of Austria, Dalmatia, and Montenegro. Includes the uniforms, insignia, and
ephemera, of the 332nd; lavishly illustrated with over 300 rare and previously unpublished color and sepia photographs, which
are drawn from public and private collections. This detailed work illuminates the compelling story of the courageous “Lions
of St. Mark.” Size: 8 1/2" x 11", Illustrations:over 300 color/bw images, Pages: 240. Price
- $69.99

U.S. Army Olympic Equestrian Competitions 1912-1948
United States Army Olympic equestrian competitions have been largely overlooked in historical
writings. This book tells the stories of the triumphs, the contributions, and the failures of the U.S. Army Olympians, and
also captures the humor and good times as well as the drama and disappointments of the U.S. Army Olympians from the 1912 Games
in Stockholm, to the 1948 Games in London. The stories are rich in detail, and include the controversial 1936 Summer Games
held in Berlin, Germany. Many personal vignettes as told by team members enhance the story. Size: 8.5"x11", Illustrations:
over 100 b/w images, Pages: 176. Price - $49.95

Forging the ThunderboltHistory of the U.S. Army's Armored Forces, 1917-45
Military history classic of the rise of America's armored forces from their humble beginnings in borrowed
tanks on the battlefields of France in World War I to a thundering crescendo of tactical prowess and lethal power as they
spearheaded the liberation of Western Europe in World War II. A brilliant, straightforward study of the men and machines that
brought fame to the likes of Generals Patton, Pershing, and Chaffee and the Sherman, Grant, and Lee tanks. Size: 6
x 9, 304 pages, 36 b/w photos. (stackpol) Price - $19.95

World War II Order of Battle; Revised Edition
An illustrated, encyclopedic data reference to all U.S. Army World War
II ground combat force units from battalion through division, 1939-1946
Weapons, equipment, vehicles, and combat photographs
Thoroughly updated with newly uncovered unit data collected over the twenty
years since publication of the original Order of Battle, U.S. Army, World War II.
Includes: * Units * Overseas Service * Ports of Embarkation * Insignia * Combat Narratives *
Organizational Charts * Campaigns * Stateside Service * Post, Camps, & Stations Size: 9x12, 640 pages,
100 B/W photos, 8 pages color inserts, 220 drawings of unit crests. HC (stackpole) Price - $85.00

The Tank Killers is the story of the American Tank Destroyer Force in North Africa, Italy, and the European
Theater during World War II. The tank destroyer (TD) was a bold-if some would say flawed-answer to the challenge posed by
the seemingly unstoppable German blitzkrieg. The TD was conceived to be light and fast enough to outmaneuver panzer forces
and go where tanks could not. At the same time, the TD would wield the firepower needed to kill any German tank on the battlefield.
Indeed, American doctrine stipulated that TDs would fight tanks, while American tanks wouldconcentrate on achieving and exploiting
breakthroughs of enemy lines. The Tank Killers follows the men who fought in the TDs from the formation of the force in 1941
through the victory over the Third Reich in 1945. It is a story of American flexibility and pragmatism in military affairs.
Tankdestroyers were among the very first units to land in North Africa in 1942. Their first vehicles were ad hoc affairs:
Halftracks and weapons carriers with guns no better than those on tanks and thin armor affording the crews considerably less
protection. Almost immediately, the crews realized that their doctrine was incomplete. They began adapting to circumstances,
along with their partners in the infantry and armored divisions. By the time that North Africa was in Allied hands, the TD
had become a valued tank fighter, assault gun, and artillery piece. 256 pp., 16 b/w illustrations, maps, Hardback.(casemate)
Price: $32.95

BATTLE OF THE BULGE 1944 General Crookenden analyzes the strategic and political
complexities of Hitler's unorthodox decision to go over to the offensive in the face of growing Allied superiority. Although
dismissed by some as yet another example of Hitler's eccentricity or incompetency, General Crookenden is careful to show just
how close the offensive came to achieving its objectives. The detailed text is supplemented by over 200 contemporary photographs
and line drawings. Size: 8.5"x11.5", 200 b/w photos and line drawings, 160 pages, hardcover. (casemate) Price - $29.95

Organization and Markings of United States Army Armored Units; 1919-1941
This new book is most likely the first published on the organization and markings of American armor during
the years prior to the Second World War. A subject that has long been ignored, the book reveals, through text, drawings and
photographs, the colorful markings used by American armored units during this period. Starting with the American Expeditionary
Force and the Tank Corps, it works its way through the Infantry-Tank units, mechanized cavalry, the first four armored divisions
and even the GHQ tank battalions. Ever wondered what all of these geometric figures on the M2 series light tanks meant? This
book will clear up that mystery. What unit does that tank belong to; what year was the photograph taken? The answers will
lie within the pages of this book. Size: 8.5"x11", 340 b/w and color photos, 244 pages. Price - $59.95

With The Black Devils: A Soldiers World War II Account
with the first Special Force and the 82nd Airborne
With The Black Devils offers readers a rare first-hand account of life with an elite group of American and
Canadian World War II soldiers known as the First Special Force or Black Devils. Based on the letters and diary entries of
Sam Byrne, who served with the Force from the early days in Montana through the units inactivation in France, the book shares
the thoughts and emotions of a front line soldier chronicling his activities as they take place. The book follows Sams experiences
after the Forces breakup, as he served in both the 504th and 507th Parachute Infantry Regiments. The author surrounds Sams
letters and diary entries with background information thereby placing Sams words into a meaningful context for the reader.
This book will appeal to anyone with an interest in World War II in general or the First Special Service Force specifically.
Size: 6"x9", illustrations: 30 b/w photographs, 176 pages. Price - $29.95

Uniforms and Equipment of Marine Corps Parachute Units in World War II
Paramarine! is devoted to the Marines and Sailors of the Marine Corps parachute units of World War II. It
explores in fascinating detail their unique, specially-designed uniforms, equipment, weapons and insignia. For the first time,
over 500 photographs and images from World War II and modern collections have been assembled in one volume and combined with
a wealth of facts and information about all aspects of Paramarine gear and training. Paramarine is the lastest in the series
of studies on the airborne forces of World War II and is a must for historians and Marine Corps and Airborne collectors around
the world. Size: 9"x12". over 500 color and b/w photographs, 240 pages. Price - $69.95

US Rangers: Leading the Way
The US Rangers were formed in 1942 after Major General Lucian K. Truscott, US Army Liaison with the British
General Staff, argued that 'we undertake immediately an American unit along the lines of the British Commandos'. The name
Rangers was selected 'in compliment to those in American history who exemplified the high standards of courage, initiative,
determination and ruggedness, fighting ability and achievement'. The 1st Ranger Battalion was officially activated at Carrickfergus,
Ireland on 19 June 1942. Its first action was at Dieppe when some 50-odd men took part in the raid, but the first major use
of Rangers was when as a spearhead to the North African invasion. Later in Tunisia the 1st Battalion executed the first Ranger
behind the lines night raid at Sened. On 31 March 1943 Rangers led General Patton`s drive to captured the hights of El Guettar
and won the unit`s first Presidential Citation. After Tunisia, the 3rd and 4th Ranger Battalions were activated and rangers
would go on to take part in the invasion of Sicily and Italy. Rangers spearheaded the night landing at Anzio, and during the
invasion of Normandy the 2nd Ranger battalion carried out a desperate mission when it assaulted, captured and held German
artillery positions atop the cliffs of point Du Hoc. Size: 7.5"x10", 96 pages, color and b/w photod throughout, paperback.
Price - $19.95

US 2nd Armored Division
The US 2nd Armored Division, nicknamed 'Hell on Wheels', fought with distinction in the ETO and was the
first US division to reach the Elbe and to enter Berlin. It was commanded by the charismatic Major-General George S. Patton
from January 1941 to February 1942. Elements of the 2nd Armored first saw action in North Africa, landing at Casablanca, and
latter taking part in the fighting at Beja, Tunisia, but the division as a whole did not enter combat until the invasion of
Sicily, where it performed well. After the Sicilian campaign, the division trained in England for the invasion of Normandy,
landing on D+3, and going into action near Carentan;it would go on to play significant role in the Falaise Gap battles, subsequently
racing across France through Belgium and into Germany at Schimmert on 18 September 1944. The division also played an important
role during the Ardennes offensive, blunting the German Fifth Panzer Army`s penetration of American lines. Size: 7.5"X10",
96 pages, color and B/W photos throughout, Price- -$19.95

1st Marine Division: "The Old Breed"
The new Spearhead series is designed to look at the cutting edge of war, dealing with units capable of operating
completely independently in the forefront of battle. Each volume in the series examines a historic units orgins, history,
organization, order of battle, battle history, insignia and markings. This volume focuses on the "Old Breed", the oldest and
most decorated unit in the 1st Marine Corps who fought on Guadalcanal and the entire Pacific campaign. Soft cover, 7 1/2"
x 10", 96 pages, 80 color and B/W photos and maps. Price - $19.95

Super Commandos
First Special Service Force, 1942-1944 an Illustrated History. It chronicles the organization, training,
and combat operations of the First Special Service Force during its brief but exhilarating history. The text is accompanied
by over 400 black and white photos, most unpublished, including a photo essay by renowned combat photographer Robert Capa.
There are also more than forty full color war time photos of the Force in training and in the combat zone.Hard
cover, 9"x11", 319 pages, hundreds of color, b&w photos and maps. Price - $59.95

US Army Photo Album
Shooting the War in Color, 1941-1945 USA to ETO
A lost collection of hundreds of previously unreleased color photos of American troops in the months before D-Day has
recently become available. Here are the uniforms worn on D-Day and the subsequent campaign in France, but photographed under
ideal conditions, by skilled cameramen who could control the lighting and re-shoot to get every detail right. All of the major
units stationed in Britain before D-Day are covered, with many details visible that are often abscured in photos taken on
active operations. Size: 10"x12", 144 pages, full color throught. Price - $37.95

The Strategy, The Men, The Equipment
This book describes in extraordinary detail the D-Day landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944, placing them in the wider
context of Operation Overlord: the Allied Assault on Hitler`s Europe. Eight distinguished authors from three different countries
describe in eleven chapters the planning, build-up and execution of the D-Day attack. The central chapter of the book describes
the landings themselves, hour by hour and beach to beach, and is graphically illustrated with a series of detailed full-color
maps with explanatory keys. The book goes on to describe the fierce battles for Normandy, the Allied breakout into France
and the victorious liberation of Paris. Size: 10"x13", 224 pages, 360 illustrations, color and B/W. Price - $34.95

Army Blue
The Uniforms of Uncle Sam`s Regulars 1848-1873
In this new extensively research volume, U.S. Army uniforms - including enlisted soldiers, officers, insignia, and headgear
- from the years 1848-1873 are examined in exacting detail. For the first time, orginal accounts from official reports, diaries,
and other primary sources will be combined with color photography of extraordinary surviving specimens, hundreds of important
black and white images, as well as artwork from the period to tell the story of what the American soldier wore during these
years. Army Blue represents more tha twenty years of research in major institutions and private collections throughout the
United States, and offers a concise overview of a topic which promises to be a must reading for collectors, modelers, and
curators alike. Size: 9"x12", over 470 color and B/W photographs, charts, 352 pages. Price - $79.95

1st Infantry Division "Big Red One"
The oldest continuously serving division in the U.S. Army, the 1st Infantry Division, called the "Big Red One" because
of the red numeral"!" on the uniform shoulder patch, was the first regular army division organized in June 1917 to fight
in France with the Allied armies. More than 28,000 men including soldiers with very familiar names, like George C. Marshall,
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and Lesley J. McNair-served with the division in World War I. The Big Red One was redesignated
on 15 May 1942 as an infantry division of nearly 15,000 men. It was selected for participation in Operation Torch, the invasion
of North Africa, landing in Algeria on 8 November 1942. It then fought through Sicily, leaving the theatre to train for
the invasion. It was part of the forces that landed on D-Day and then fought with distinction through Europe. 1st Infantry
Division`s battle honors are Tunisia, Sicily, Normady, the Bulge, Germany. Postwar, the division served in Europe, Vietnam,
Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Bosina. It`s currently based in Germany. Soft cover, 7 1/2"x10", 96 pages, 80 color and B/W
photos and maps.
Price - $19.95

Stamping Out the Virus
Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War 1918-1920
Stamping out the Virus was a phrase used by Col. Fuller (the father of Tank Warfare) in an internal memo in 1919 to describe
Communism to the Allies (French, British and U.S.) this is what the Russian Civil War was about. Thus, began a two year attempt
to eradicate this virus. In 1918, over 15,000 Allied troops were sent and intervened in the Russian Civil war at Archangel
on the White Sea ( North Russia). Also, in the Ukraine of South Russia, the British sent millions of dollars worth of equipment
including over seventy tanks, 200 aircraft and hundreds of military advisors to the White forces under General Denikin. Stamping
Out the Virus covers the entire war in depth. Detailed text, battle maps, orders of battle, and rare photos provide a full
picture of the military operations. Size: 6"x9", Illustrations: over 80 black and white photographs, maps, 300 pages. Price
- $35.00

U.S. Army Rangers & Special Forces of World War II
Their War in Photographs
During World War II the United States Army organized a remarkable array of highly specialized, small units. The ranks
of these forces were filled with men who, by virture of their natural aggressiveness and intensive training, possessed diverse
war-making skills well beyond thoses of standard troops. This book, by the author of the Supercommandos, tells the story of
the U.S. Army`s elite Rangers and Special Forces largely through pictures. Never before has such an expansive view of World
War II elite forces been offered in one volume. An extensive search of public and private archives unearthed an astonishing
number of rare and never before seen images, including color. Most notable are the nearly twenty exemplary photographs of
Lieutenant Colonel William O. Darby`s Rangers Force in Italy, taken by Robert Capa, considered by many to be the greatest
combat photographer of all time. Complementing the period photographs are numerous color plates detailing the rare and often
unique items of insignia, weapons, and equipment that marked the soldiers whose heavy task it was to "Lead the Way."
Size: 8 1/2"x11", Illustrations: over 250 B/W and color photos, 240 pages. Price - $59.95

More Army Blue
The Uniform of Uncle Sam`s Regulars 1874-1887
In this new book, the development of an altogether new uniform for troopers of the United States Army, a few years
after the Civil War, has never been told so well or so comprehensively. In this volume, the sequal to the author`s highly
praised Army Blue: The Uniforms of Uncle Sam`s Regulars, 1848-1873, John Langellier continues the story of the evolution of
American army uniforms during a critical period that saw experimentation and innovation finally surmount conservatism to produce
some of the more practically functional and aesthetically appealing martial clothing in American history. The breadth of Langellier`s
research, coupled with his years of accumulated expertise in the study of historical army uniforms, is evident throughout,
and together make this book the most through and precise accounting the topic has ever received. Size: 9"x12", over 450 B/W
and color photographs, 248 pages. Price - $69.95

Hats Off
Head Dress of the U.S. Army 1872-1912
Hats Off offers a concise history of U.S. Army headgear from the immediate post Civil War era to the eve of World War
I. In this study historian John P. Langellier shares more than a quarter of a century of research in archives, museums, and
private collections throught the nation. An informative text is supported by nearly 400 illustrations of rare and important
military headdress. this volume is destined to become a standard reference for collectors, curators, and those interested
in American military uniforms from the Indian Wars through the early 20th century. Size: 9"x12", over 400 color and B/W photographs,
320 pages. Price - $69.95