Fist from the Sky
Japan's Dive-Bomber Ace of World War II Lieutenant Commander Takashige Egusa was one
of the Imperial Japanese Navy's most skillful and influential dive-bomber pilots. He led an attack force against Pearl Harbor,
calmly circling his special flame-red Aichi dive bomber before selecting his target. Assaults on the deadly gun batteries
of Wake Island followed, as well as air support for the invasion of Ambon. Badly burned at Midway, Egusa returned to duty,
only to be killed on his final mission. As one Japanese officer said, "He was the 'God of Dive-Bombing.'" Fully placed in
historical context and backed by a wealth of detail from archives, family records, photographs, and memories of contemporaries,
the full story of Egusa's bravery, leadership qualities, and illustrious career comes to life. Size: 6 x 9, 192 pages, 70 b/w photos (stackpol) Price - $16.95

When the Japanese Empire went to war with the Allies in December 1941, it had already been fighting in China
for 10 years. During that time it had conquered huge areas of China, and subjugated millions of people. The Japanese needed
to control the Chinese population in these occupied territories, and for this reason they set up governments from amongst
the leaders of the Chinese who were willing to co-operate with them. These so-called 'puppet' governments were designed to
rule on behalf of the Japanese while firmly under their overall control. In turn, the puppet governments needed their own
armed forces to help them maintain control over the populace and so they raised their own 'independent' armed forces. These
puppet armies were large in number, reaching a total of well over 1 million before 1945. Although poorly-armed and equipped,
these forces had an influence on the Japanese war effort through sheer numbers. The Chinese puppet soldiers ranged from the
well-drilled and trained regular Army of the Last Emperor of China, Pu Yi, who ruled the newly-formed state of Manchukuo,
1932-45, to the irregular Mongol cavalry who served alongside Japanese troops in the 'secret war' waged in the Mongolian hinterlands.
The troops were dismissed as traitors by the Chinese fighting the Japanese, and they were equally despised by the Japanese
themselves. 144 pp., 4 pages colour plates, 75+ b/w photos, maps, Hardback. (casemate) Price - $59.95

This collection of photographs of downed Japanese aircraft chronicles the final days of World War II through
the lens of an American serviceman. Snapped by the author, a communications officer with the Fifth Air Force in the Pacific
islands, these stunning photos cover all manner of aircraft, from the infamous "Zero" carrier fighter to the "Betty" bomber.
Also listed are specifications and technical data for a number of planes, making the book a valuable addition to the air or
military enthusiast's library. 144 pp., 180 b&w photos, 20 illus., Trade Paperback. (stackpole) Price - $18.95

Japanese Aircraft Equipment
As a companion book to the previously published Japanese Aircraft Interiors, by the same author,
this book defines more closely the equipment that outfitted these aircraft. There are chapters on such aircraft installed
equipment as instruments, radios, cameras, machine guns and cannons, gunsights and bombsights used by the Japanese Army and
Navy air forces. The opening chapter describes the history as to how much of this equipment was captured and now is in the
hands of collectors and museums. The closing chapter has additional information on colors and coatings used in these interiors.
This information will aid collectors to more definitively identify equipment that may not otherwise be clearly marked. Experts
in these respective fields have been major contributors. Size: 9"x12", over 410 b/w and color photos, 224 pages. Price
- $69.95

Last Hope: The Blood Chit Story
Last Hope is the story of the often heroic by governments to provide their aerial warriors with the tools
to evade capture when forced down in enemy controlled territory, as told by the most visible and visually stunning artifact
of this effort, the Blood Chit. Illustrated with the most comprehensive collection of color photographs of Blood Chits and
related evasion aids ever assembled, it provides readers an unparalleled opportunity to discover the beautiful theater-made
souvenir patches in the form of Blood Chits are also illustrated. This definitive history of Blood Chits from their infancy
at the dawn of the air age through their maturity at the close of World War II was compiled from accounts provided by more
than fifty veterns airmen and intelligence officers from around the world, and from more than seventy formerly classified
government documents. Last Hope is a thoroughly annotated and fully illustrated journey into the secretive world of air crew
evasion and escape aids for the casual reader and serious researcher alike, and is a valuable resource for the military and
aviation enthusiast, collector, researcher, and museum curator. Hard bound, size: 8 1/2"x11", illustrations: over 240 color
and B/W photographs, 224 pages. Price - $49.95

Uniforms and Equipment of the Imperial Japanese Army
in World War II
Among the major powers of World War II, the uniforms and equipment of the Japanese army have received the
least coverage. This new, detailed volume presents the subject with a superb collection of actual vintage items, and rarely
seen World War II era photographs. Among the subjects covered are: the Imperial Japanese army uniform series; undergarments;
footwear; headgear; personal field equipment; extreme climate uniforms; work and specialty uniforms; soldier`s personal items;
and firearms. A short chapter examines reproductions. Size: 8 1/2"x11", illustrations: over 520 color and B&W photographs, 176
pages. Price - $59.95

Collecting Military Headgear: A Guide to 5000 Years of Helmet History
This is the ultimate reference to military headgear that appears today on the collector’s market,
from the Comb Morion to the Picklehaube, and from the Closed helmet to the Bicorne hat with particular reference to rare Napoleonic
headgear. Collectors, dealers and auctioneers from Japan, Belgium, the United States of America, Italy, the United Kingdom,
Germany, Malta and Sweden have collaborated to compile this unique collection of photographs of exceptionally rare hats. These
include extremely rare and ancient helmets, expensive sixteenth century open-faced helmets, Zischagges, Burgonets, unique
eighteenth century headdress, French shakos from the First Empire, neo-classical helmets from the Napoleonic wars, early Spiked
helmets from the Crimean war period, Oriental helmets, and First World War headgear. The book is lavishly illustrated with
close-up views that assist collectors in identifying aging characteristics. It also places collecting in the context of history,
by discussing the employment of the headgear at war. The phenomenon of Internet auctions, replicas, forgeries, and prices
are also covered. Size: 8.5"x11", over 380 color & b/w photos, 240 pages. Price - $69.95