IMAGES OF WAR: Waffen-SS on the Western Front
This book in the popular Images of War series covers the deeds of the Waffen-SS on the Western Front during the Second
World War. With extensive text and in-depth captions with many rare and unpublished photographs, it describes the fighting
tactics, the uniforms, the battles and the different elements that went into making the Waffen-SS such an elite fighting unit.
It traces how the Waffen-SS carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available reserves and resources into a
ruthlessly effective killing machine. It depicts how this awesome military formation grew to be used in offensive and then
in defensive battles, and provides much historical information and facts about the weapons and all the components that fought
on Western Front. The reader learns how the Waffen-SS battled their way through the Low Countries and the Balkans. After D-Day
they played a key role in Normandy and fought at Arnhem, in the Ardennes and shifted from one disintegrating part of the front
to another in a drastic attempt to stabilize the crumbling war effort.
The Waffen-SS on the Western Front 1940 –
1945 provides an excellent insight into one of the most effective fighting formations in military history. soft cover,
size 7.5" x 9.5", Pages: 160, 250 B+W wartime photos. Price - $24.95 (rzm)

Stalingrad: The Death of the German Sixth Army on the Volga 1942-1943 Volume 1:
The Bloody Fall, Volume 2: The Brutal Winter
Stalingrad: The Death of the German Sixth Army on the Volga, 1942-1943, is the
first published work to detail the situation of every German corps and division for every day of the six-month Stalingrad
Derived from the Sixth Army daily operation reports and the German Army High Command (OKH) situation maps
(Lage Ost), this two-volume set presents the situation on the flanks of the army, as well as the combat in the city itself,
a level of detail never before attempted.Stalingrad was the perfect storm that would lead to the death of an army –
the German Sixth Army.
Led by Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus, but micromanaged by Adolf Hitler, who insisted that
his forces fight to the last man and bullet, the Sixth Army became fixated on an objective that continued to be just past
their grasp. Believing that Stalingrad would be theirs “if only” one more attack against the urban rubble was
mounted, the Sixth Army did not see that it was in a situation where if something did go wrong, it would not “see”
impending doom until it was too late. That something was the massive Soviet attack that broke through both flanks of the Sixth
Army in such a violent manner and to such a great operational depth that any hope of relieving the surrounded pocket from
the outside in such horrible winter conditions was probably Illusionary. Thus, defeat was in order for the Sixth Army, but
it would not end there. Adolf Hitler had insisted that this would be a fight between the supermen of Aryan Germany against
the sub-humans of Slavic Russia.
In this fight, according to Nazi ideology, the sub-humans had no right to live.
Given the polar ideological differences of Fascism and Communism, combined with this racial antagonism, when the Red Army
did gain the upper hand and isolate the German forces around Stalingrad in November 1942, the situation guaranteed that the
Sixth Army would not only be defeated, but that it and most of its soldiers were headed for annihilation. Hard cover 2
volume box set, Size: 7″ x 10″, Pages: 320, Over 500 color and B+W photo. Price
- $69.99

Oder Front 1945
Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici,
Heeresgruppe Weichsel and Germany's Final Defense in the East, 20 March-4 May 1945
Nazi Germany's fall is regularly depicted through the dual images of Adolf Hitler
directing the final battle for Berlin from his claustrophobic Führerbunker, and the subsequent Soviet victory immortalized
by the flying of the 'Hammer and Sickle' over the burnt-out Reichstag. This popular view, that Germany's last battle of World
War II was a deliberate, yet fatalistic, defense of Berlin planned and conducted by Hitler, is largely a historically inaccurate
depiction that fits a popularized characterization of the Third Reich's end.
Germany's final battle began when Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici took command of
Heeresgruppe Weichsel (Army Group Vistula) on 20 March 1945, not when the massive Soviet offensive intended to capture Berlin
was launched on 16 April. Heinrici, not Hitler, decided that there was only one strategic course left for Germany-hold the
Soviets back along the Oder Front long enough to entice the Western Allies across the Elbe River. Heinrici knew two things:
the war was lost and what remained of Germany was destined for postwar Soviet occupation. His intent was that a protracted
defense along the Oder Front would force General Eisenhower to order the Western Allies into the postwar Soviet Zone of Occupation
outlined in the Top Secret Allied Plan known as 'Eclipse', thereby sparing millions of Germans in the east the dismal fate
of Soviet vengeance everyone knew was at hand. Berlin, Heinrici ordered, would not be defended. The capital of Germany would
not become another 'Stalingrad' as Heinrici told his subordinates. A decision by OKW on 23 April to defend Berlin in a final
decisive battle forced Heinrici into direct conflict with his superiors over the conduct of operations along the Oder Front
-a conflict that undermined his capability to defend against the Soviets and ultimately cost Heinrici his command.
In a companion volume to his successful and highly-regarded study of the Soviet
assault on the city of Berlin, Bloody Streets, author A. Stephan Hamilton describes the planning and execution of the defense
of the Oder Front, reconstructing it day-by-day using previously unpublished personal diaries, postwar interviews, Heeresgruppe
Weichsel's war diary and daily command phone logs. Operations of the 3.Panzer Armee, 9.Armee, 12.Armee, and 21.Armee are covered
in detail, with their unit movements depicted on over 60 wartime operational maps. The narrative is supported by an extensive
selection of appendices, including translations of postwar narratives relating to Heeresgruppe Weichsel penned by senior German
officers, biographical notes on notable officers of the Heeresgruppe, and highly detailed orders of battles. In addition to
a number of b/w photographs, this study features 64 pages of operational maps reproduced in full color. Hardcover, 8.75"
x 12", 416 pages, 100 B+W photos and documents, 21 B+W maps, 64 pages of color maps. (rzm) Price - $99.95

Along The Neva German Paratroops of the 1st Bat. 3rd Fallschirmjager
Regiment on the Russian Front, Sept. - Nov. 1941
This book presents in words and images the first operational use of German paratroopers
in the Russian campaign, and also the first time they served as conventional infantry. Focusing specifically on the 1st Battalion
of the 3rd Fallschirmjager Regiment, it describes the horrific weather, and unspeakable living and fighting conditions endured
by these elite soldiers who were deployed in the trenches near the Neva River in northern Russia.
Outnumbered in men
and equipment, they fought bravely and with distinction, never faltering in their mission. Included with the operational history,
are recollections and reminiscences of surviving veterans. Hard cover, large size, 9.25" x 12.25", 126 pages, Over
130 color and B+W photos. Price - $59.95

Hell's Gate The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket
January-February 1944
Virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, the Battle of Cherkassy (also known as the
Korsun Pocket) still stirs controversy in both the former Soviet Union and in Germany. Although small in scale when compared
to the gigantic battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk, the Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket occupies a prominent place in
the Russo-German War. It was at Cherkassy where the last German offensive strength in the Ukraine was drained away, creating
the conditions for the victorious Soviet advance into Poland, Rumania, and the Balkans during the summer and autumn of 1944.
Eclipsed by a war of such gigantic proportions that saw battles of over one million men or more as commonplace, the events
which occurred along the banks of the Gniloy Tickich river should have faded into obscurity. However, to the 60,000 German
soldiers who were encircled there at the end of January 1944, this was perhaps one of the most brutal, physically exhausting,
and morally demanding battles they had ever experienced. Thirty-four percent of them would not escape.
The culmination
of years of research and survivor interviews, Hell?s Gate is a riveting hour by hour and day by day account of this desperate
struggle analyzed on a tactical level through maps and military transcripts, as well as on a personal level, through the words
of the enlisted men and officers who risked the roaring waters of the Gniloy Tickich to avoid certain death at the hands of
their Soviet foe.
Hard cover, Full color dust jacket, Size: 8 1/2" x 11", 420 pages, 220 photos, 14 maps Retail
price: $69.95

Endkampf 1944-1945
The Final Battles on German Territory
This large-format volume is the first hardbound book to be released by the German publisher Luftverlag-Start.
Consisting of 160 pages, with unique unpublished wartime photos, this title covers the battles fought by Wehrmacht units to
defend the borders of the Reich.
This title contains 186 black-and-white wartime photos showing the German side. Most
were taken by German soldiers during the final battles and thus represents a unique perspective, for by then film was difficult
to obtain. Also included are 23 rare color photos taken during the fighting. All the photographs are accompanied by detailed
text and maps which was extensivly researched by the author. All the photos are reproduced full page on quality glossy paper
to the highest possible standards. Battles covered in this title:
-Nemmersdorf and Goldap, the Russian drive across the East Prussian border -From Königsberg to Pillau -
Fighting Withdrawal in Samland, East Prussia April 1945 (Panther photos) -The 1st Marine-Schützen-Division actions at the
Oder in the Zehden Bridgehead in February 1945 -The fighting in Silesia in spring 1945 (Panther photos) -The battle
for Fortress Breslau -Actions by the "Hermann Göring" Fallschirmpanzerkorps at Bautzen and Görlitz in April 1945 (Panther
photos) -The Führer-Begleit-Division in the fighting in Lauban (Panther photos) -The SS-Freiwilligen-Brigade "Wallonien"
and the 4th SS-Polizei-Division in the Battle for Pomerania -SS-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 560 z.b.V. in action at the Oder
(Hetzer photos) -The action against the Russian Bridgehead over the Oder at Küstrin and "Fortress Küstrin" (Panther and
Hetzerphotos) -Heiligenbeil and Oxhöfter Kämpe - the fight about the pockets at the Haff and the Danziger-Bucht
Hardcover, landscape format, 160 pages 186 black-and-white photos, 23 rare color photos, German and English Text Pruce
- $85.00

German Paratroops in Scandinavia
Fallschirmjäger in Scandinavia Denmark and Norway
April-June 1940
The German conquest of Denmark and Norway in spring 1940 presents an interesting study of
joint strategy between ground, air, and sea forces. In this campaign, the Germans placed great emphasis on mobility, speed,
and surprise. The Fallschirmjäger of 1940 was a well-trained, highly-motivated force, and their participation in Operation
“Weserübung” – the codename for the Wehrmacht assault on Denmark and Norway – is this subject of this
book. Among the topics discussed are German paratroop operations (some of the first combat jumps of the war) against the main
Danish and Norwegian bridges and aerodromes, the jump on Dombås, behind enemy lines, and also their tenacious on the snow-covered
grounds of Narvik. Illustrations: over 160 color/bw images, Pages: 192 . (sch) Price:
| |

Panzerkampfgruppe Strachwitz
A Photographic Study of the Battles for the "Ostsack" and "Westsack"
Although many who are familiar with the ferocious fighting on the Eastern Front in World War 2 have heard of the three
"Operations Strachwitz" through references and popular accounts, the most popular of which are the memoirs of Tiger
ace Otto Carius in his best-selling book, Tigers in the Mud, few have ever seen much in-depth coverage of the fighting or
images of the battle area. All that has changed with Panzerkampfgruppe Strachwitz which not only presents the reader with
an overview of the small-unit actions that constituted the fighting associated with these three operations, but also presents
140 professionally shot images by war correspondents assigned to the front. While the quality of German war photographers
is almost universally praised, many of the images are of rather mundane subjects and not much has surfaced in terms of late-war
Recently, however, a file photo grouping was discovered that can unequivocally be traced to this famous small-unit action
on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. That grouping features numerous images of the three most famous armored
formations that participated: schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502 (Otto Carius' Tiger battalion), the Fuhrer-Begleit-Bataillon (Hitler's
headquarters bodyguard consisting of soldiers from Grossdeutschland and other named formations) and Panzer-Grenadier-Division
"Feldherrnhalle" (often referred to as Hitler's forgotten elite). As such, these photographs fill a void in the
literature and coverage and represent a boon to armor enthusiasts, unit historians, collectors and model makers.
Hard cover, large landscape format (9" x 12"), 120 pages, 1 map, 2 divisional organization charts and 140 images
(most never previously published and most full page).Price: $40.00

III. Pz. Korps at Kursk
This book is the first in a new series devoted to German armored formations of World War II. Packed with
full color images and a large amount of previously unpublished material, it is custom designed to appeal to modelers, AFV
enthusiasts, and readers interested in Second World War technical history. The book traces the battle of Kursk and the involvement
of the German Panzer Units, through first hand records. Many hitherto unpublished photos, plus recently discovered memoirs
from veterans combined with color profiles of AFVs, contribute to make this book a real reference bible for the enthusiast.
Didier Lodieu is a dedicated specialist on the German Army of World War II. In more than thirty years of research. he has
learned how to find the most interesting photos and historical sources. Size: 9" x 12", Hard cover, 128 pages, Full color,
English text. (rzm) Price: $59.95

Hold the Westwall or Perish with it
The History of Panzer-Brigade 105 , September 1944
"Hold the Westwall" tells the story of an experiment that failed: The creation of separate armored brigades
within the Panzertruppe in 1944. Formed at the direction of Hitler in response to the dramatic situation that was developing
on the Eastern Front in the summer of 1944, the brigades 10 in all were to be a form of field army level ready reserve and
strike force. These brigades, which featured a tank battalion, a mechanized infantry battalion, a company of mechanized combat
engineers as well as a substantial amount of organic antiaircraft firepower, could have been the "iron fist" envisioned by
Hitler had they not been so hastily formed and then committed in ways never doctrinally called for. This book represents the
first study in English of this failed experiment, concentrating on the formation, deployment, virtual destruction and ultimate
deactivation of Panzer-Brigade 105. Instead of being deployed on the Eastern Front as originally intended, the brigade was
rushed to the West to the increasingly perilous and unstable situation there for the Germans in the fall of 1944. Making use
of virtually every known primary source available concerning the brigade, as well as conducting extensive interviews of surviving
members and reviewing all relevant secondary literature, author Timm Haasler has woven together a fascinating glimpse into
the short life of this little-known element of the late-war Panzertruppe. The story is presented not only from the German
side, but also from the viewpoint of the various US forces that were employed against the brigade. As a result, the reader
comes away with a comprehensive understanding of the tactics employed by both sides in the US attempt to breach the Westwall
better known as the "Siegfried Line" to most American readers in the Stolberg area of Germany in September 1944. In the
end, although almost completely wiped out, the brigade was able to slow down and then ultimately stop the US advance in its
area of operations, thus delaying a rapid penetration through the frontier defenses of German, which might have hastened the
end of the war. Hard bound, 6" x 9", 582 pages, 147 photographs, 22 maps and extensive charts and documentation. (rzm) Price:

Armegeddon Ost
The German Defeat on the Eastern Front 1944-45
By late 1944, with the Allies having successfully landed in France in June 1944 and subsequently expanded
their bridgehead to encompass much of Northern France and Belgium in the west and with the Russians inexorably advancing westwards,
World War II in Europe was rapidly approaching its finale. However, as evinced by the Ardennes campaign in the west, whilst
Germany was facing ultimate defeat, like a wounded animal, it was still capable of inflicting major losses on Allied forces.
In the east, it appeared that every inch of soil was defended to the last and some of the most bitter fighting of the entire
war occurred during its final six months on the Eastern Front, as the Germans doggedly sought to defend the territory it had
conquered in 1940 and that of its erstwhile Allies, such as Hungary. For the Germans, it was not just that the loss of this
territory would bring the dreaded Red Army to the very gates of—and later into—Berlin but also it was these areas
that much of the raw material required to sustain the war effort was derived. Despite the efforts of the remnants of Hitler’s
once great Wehrmacht, the Russian army proved unstoppable; sheer weight of numbers and quantity of materiel ensured that the
best defence that the Germans could offer proved inadequate and, by May 1945, the fight had reached the very centre of Berlin.
Armageddon had literally reached the heart of Hitler’s Reich. In Armageddon Ost, Nik Cornish examines the final
six months of the war on the Eastern Front. Describing events in detail he records the gradual, but inexorable, advance of
the Red Army towards ultimate victory. With a narrative drawn from a variety of sources, including first-hand accounts from
those who actually fought in the war, the book records the movement of the Red Army through Hungary and the Balkans, through
Poland and, ultimately through Germany itself. Illustrated throughout with a superb range of photographs, many drawn from
Russian archives and never previously published, the book is a sobering account of the destruction of this final phase of
the war in the East. With the 60th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe having been marked during 2005, publication
of Armageddon Ost is opportune; it will be required reading for all those with an interest in the history of World War II
and of the campaigns in the east that were ultimately to prove so costly for the Third Reich. Hard Cover, 8" x 10", 160 pages,
170 b+w photos. (rzm) Price:$39.95

EBEN EMAEL Secret Operations
During the interwar years the major European powers learnt the military lessons of World War 1. However,
the erstwhile combatants had come to different conclusions about the nature of any future war. For the French, in particular,
fearful of losing a further generation of men in another war, saw the creation of a major fortification — the Maginot
Line — along their border with the Germans as providing the best guarantee that there would be no further invasion from
the east and the Belgians also, remembering their experience of invasion in August 1914, also constructed defensive lines,
most notably the fort of Eben Emael. The Germans, however, had learnt other lessons and had experienced more modern warfare
in their involvement in the Spanish Civil War. For the Germans, any future war would be fought by the integration of infantry,
armor and air power into a single offensive force — a strategy that became known as Blitzkrieg. Soft Cover, 9" x 12",
96 pages, 170 b+w photos. (rzm) Price:$29.95

New, Back in print
Platz der Leibstandarte The SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "LSSAH" and The Battle
of Kharkov January-March 1943
In the first months of 1943, the SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" was
involved in all phases of the series of operations in the complex Kharkov campaign. During the initial defensive fighting,
the division held its sector for two weeks against the full weight of the Soviet 3rd Tank Army, a remarkable feat in itself.
After the city fell, "Leibstandarte" withdrew to a new defensive position and protected the important supply rail center at
Krasnograd while the "Das Reich" and "Totenkopf" divisions executed the first phase of the counterattack. When the 3rd Tank
Army began its move south to block the advance of these two SS divisions "Leibstandarte" carried out raids and interdictory
strikes that disrupted the Soviet realignment and weakened the army’s fighting power. Once having rejoined the SS-Panzerkorps,
after taking part in the destruction of the Kegitschevka pocket, "Leibstandarte" led the way back to the city of Kharkov.
Dynamic young officers such as Kurt Meyer, Max Wünsche and Jochen Peiper personally led attack columns that struck deep into
the city, eventually forcing the Russian troops to abandon Kharkov. When "Leibstandarte's" role in each phase of Manstein’s
Kharkov counterattack is taken into consideration it is clear why its men, after enduring the losses necessary to retake the
city’s blood stained streets and ruined buildings, renamed the enormous Red Square as "Platz der Leibstandarte." Beautifully
reproduced wartime photos, and compelling captions by author George Nipe illustrate in incredible detail the men, equipment,
weapons, and vehicles used in this decisive Eastern Front battle. Hard cover, Full color dust jacket, Size: 8 1/2" x 11",
296 pages, 516 photos. (rzm) Price - $70.00

Operation "Citadel" Vol. 1 The South The first volume of
the long awaited 2 volume photo study of the Battle of Kursk which promises something for everyone, whether serious historian,
WW II enthusiast or hobbyist. The first volume covers the Southern sector of the attack culminating in the tank battle at
Prokhorovka. The SS panzer Korps, with the 1., 2. and 3. SS Panzer Grenadier Division, The Grossdeuthland Panzergrenadier
Division and the 503 Heavy Tank Battalion all fought in the sector. The book includes hundreds of photos, most previously
unpublished or miscaptioned in the past by less careful authors, which tell the story of this crucial German gamble in the
summer of 1943. The color profiles provide by Jean Restayn are up to his usual very high standards and the included maps succinctly
describe the unit positions of both sides during various phases of the onslaught. Not just a photo album, the book includes
a discussion of the operational concepts that led to the fighting, force comparisons and a description of the objectives of
the opposing forces. A detailed day-by-day description of the actions of all German units involved in the attack in this sector
is also included. Finally, the auhtors lay to rest several misconceptions and legends surrounding this epic battle and provide
irrefutable evidence that German losses were not nearly so great as Soviet and other sources have long claimed. Size: 9"x12",460
pages, 46 pages of color vehicle, equipment, and aircraft illustrations, 4 color maps and 3 pages of color tactical insignia.
(rzm) Price - $96.00

Operation Citadel The North Vol.2 The author team
of Jean Restayn and Nicole Moller have done it again! They have created a superb follow-on volume to their terrific first
book concerning the southern portion of the epic Battle of Kursk. Rarely has one of our planned publications so caught the
imagination of our loyal customers and the reading public and rarely have authors so thoroughly met those expectations. After
years of combing archives in Europe, Restayn and Moller have succeeded in assembling more than 540 photographs of this sector
of the battlefield. Most have never been seen before and of those that have, most have been identified here properly for the
first time. In addition to providing the reader with a fantastic visual representation of the fighting, Restayn and Moller
have also provided an in-depth text that covers the build-up and the fighting on a day-by-day basis. Along with 30 pages of
four-color artwork, to include formation insignia, maps and all of the major vehicles used by the Germans, are dozens of tables
illustrating orders of battle for both sides as well as vehicle counts and losses for the Germans. Hard Cover, 9" x 12", Glossy
Stock, English text, 400 pages with 30 pages of four-color artwork, maps and formation insignia. More than 540 photographs
(most seen or identified correctly for the first time). (rzm) Price: $108.00

Armor Battles of the Waffen-SS: 1943-1945
Stackpole publishing has rereleased Fedorowicz's best selling (and now out of print) "Armor Battles of the
W-SS!" These reprints are soft cover and though the content is the same, some items may have been omitted for publishing reasons.
Despite the minor changes, these volumes are still amongst the most comprehensive works ever published on the various aspects
of the German War Machine. We are happy to see them available again at a much lower price, making them affordable for all
historians and enthusiasts! The Waffen SS were considered the elite of the German armed forces in the Second World War and
were involved in almost continuous combat. From the sweeping tank battle of Kursk on the Russian front to the bitter fighting
among the hedgerows of Normandy and the last great offensive in the Ardennes, forever immortalized in history as the Battle
of the Bulge, these men and their tanks made history. Size: 6 x 9", Soft cover, 384 pages, 32 excellent wartime b/w photographs,
drawings and maps.(rzm) Price: $19.95

Drama Between Budapest and Vienna Georg Maier, the former
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations of the 6. (SS)-Panzer-Armee, has written not only a monumental history of his former
field army but a sweeping account of the little-known fighting on the southern portion of the Eastern Front in the final months
of the war. Maier provides a truly objective overview of those operations by making use of primary sources — documents,
war diaries and surviving senior commanders — to show the reader how decisions were made at senior levels of command
and how certain post-war memoirs have only distorted the picture of what really happened in the final few months of the war.
As such, it encompasses the operations of four different Waffen-SS corps and, by extension, nearly all of the “name”
divisions of the Waffen-SS: The 1. SS-Panzer-Division “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler,” the 2. SS-Panzer-Division
“Das Reich,” the 3. SS-Panzer-Division “Totenkopf,” the 5. SS-Panzer-Division “Wiking,”
the 9. SS-Panzer-Division “Hohenstaufen” and the 12. SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend.” In addition,
many of the most-famous Army armored divisions were involved in this fighting: the 1. Panzer-Division, the 3. Panzer-Division,
the 6. Panzer-Division and the 23. Panzer-Division. Maier starts his narrative with part one of a three-part drama: The brutal
and ill-fated fighting to relieve the encircled city of Budapest and the IX. SS-Gebirgs-Korps by Armeegruppe Balck (primarily
by the IV. SS-Panzer-Korps). He then follows up with act two: A day-by-day account of the successful but operationally relatively
inconsequential Gran Offensive of the I. SS-Panzer-Korps and Panzer-Korps “Feldhernnhalle.” This is followed by
the ill-fated Lake Balaton offensive, where the 6. Panzer-Armee — comprised of the I. SS-Panzer-Korps and the II. SS-Panzer-Korps,
among other formations — was bled white combating prepared Soviet defenses in terrain that was completely ill suited
for armored warfare. He concludes the text portion of the book with act three, which details the remaining two months of the
war and includes the efforts of the 6. Panzer-Armee to defend Vienna and prevent the Soviet Army from advancing into the Reich.
In the course of his narrative, Maier provides insights into the political wrangling of certain generals and presents a first-hand
account of the handling of the infamous “cuff title” order issued by Hitler. (Maier personally presented the Teletype
message to the Commander-in-Chief of the 6. Panzer-Armee, SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich, in which Hitler demanded his
elite formations remove their identifying cuff titles). Not only was Georg Maier there, but he also backs up every contention
with prodigiously researched material consisting almost exclusively of primary sources. Whether interested in Waffen-SS formations
in general or a student of military history with an interest in the command and control of military formations at the highest
levels of command, this book will be of interest to you. It is destined to become the standard work in English on this theater
and period of World War II. Size: Large Format, 16 pages of photos, nearly 1,000 footnotes, 32 page full color map book, 475
pages.(rzm) Price - $104.00

Six Epic Eastern Front Assaults of World War II
Land based military operations in World War II are usually associated with sweeping “Blitzkrieg type”
battles that involve opposing forces in constant movement. However, many major battles reverted to the centuries old concept
of siege warfare – two of the most significant, and extensively covered, being the epic sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad.
With Siege! the author, Pat McTaggart, has focused on six of the lesser-known sieges of WW II: The bitter defense of the Brest
Litovsk Fortress by the Russians in 1941; the frozen Hell of Fortress Kholm – which held out against numerous Russian
attacks; the complex operations to capture the highly fortified Sevastopol peninsula; the betrayal of the gallant Hungarian
and German defenders of Budapest; the tragedy of Königsberg and the hard-fought, successful defense of Breslau, which held
out until after the official German surrender. Utilizing both the latest military technology of the time and historical techniques
of siege warfare, the attackers, in most cases, successfully attempted to overcome the fortifications of the defenders. However,
in most cases the price of victory was a high one. The author has produced a well-researched book that is a great read. The
text is supplemented by numerous excellent maps and many contemporary photographs. Size: 6"x9", more that 70 photos and maps,
240 pages. (rzm) Price - $37.00

Normandy 1944, German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizational Effectiveness
At last, a single-source reference book which accurately presents the German field forces employed in Normandy
in 1944 and their losses. Chapters include: German Combat Organization (overview); Number of Soldiers Employed; Effects of
Allied Air Power; German Armor in Normandy; German Losses in Normandy; Combat Efficiency; and, Unit Movements. In addition,
there is a capsule history of every major formation employed in Normandy: infantry and Panzer divisions and separate formations;
artillery and Werfer units; corps and field-army formations and miscellaneous elements which could bring combat power to bear.
Dr. Zetterling provides a sobering analysis of the subject matter and debunks a number of popular myths concerning the campaign
(the effectiveness of Allied air power; the preferential treatment of Waffen-SS formations in comparison to their army counterparts;
etc.). He supports his text with exhaustive footnoting and provides an organizational chart for most of the formations covered
in the book. Size: 6"x9", numerous organizational diagrams, charts, tables and graphs, 450+ pages. (rzm) Price - $40.00

After the Dunkirk evacuation the Germans occupied a group of islands in the English
Channel, of which Guernsey and Jersey are the most famous. This detailed account is the first to make use of German records
and recollections of the years of occupation, and to fully depict the nature of day-to-day life for both occupied and occupier,
including allegations of collaboration by the local population. The fascinating text is supplemented by 300 illustrations,
including the remarkable fortifications built by the Germans in such a short time. Size: 8"x10", 300 b/w photos, 256 pages,
HC. (casemate) Price - $39.95

Deadlock Before Moscow
Army Group Center 1942-1943
One of these events, the attempt of the Red Army to cut off and destroy the panzer formations far advanced
before Moscow, is little known. In January 1942, when the 3rd, 4th and 22nd Soviet Shock armies set out from the Army Group
North area to the south and attacked Kholm, Toropets, Demidov, Vitebsk and Belikie Luki, in order to roll over the rear area
services approximately 160 kilometers behind the front and the strong point-like positions and cut off the main body of Army
Group Center from its supply of weapons and soldiers, the Eastern Campaign appeared to be lost. The renewed major offensive
of the Red Army, which began in November 1942, found these troops - hopelessly opposing massed enemy formations - in a battle
to the bitter end. This is especially shown in Velikie Luki, where the defensive strength of 7,500 German soldiers fought
to the end paid for with their own lives. Only a handful of soldiers escaped from this inferno. Never before has such detail
on this aspect of the Russian front campaign been available in English. Reknowned author Franz Kurowski uses first-person
accounts, and never before published documentation to present this, the turning point of the war in Russia. Size: 6"x9", 412
pages. Price - $34.95

Operation Barbarossa in Photographs
Renowned author Paul Carell's photo album to accompany his definitive studies on the war in
Russia. Over 570 b/w and color photos from both German and Russian archives explore the entire campaign. Size:
7"x10", color and b/w photos throughout, 460 pages. Price - $49.95

Last Victory in Russia
The SS-Panzerkorps and Manstein's Kharkov Counteroffensive - February-March 1943
This book is the first detailed and comprehensive account of the Kharkov counteroffensive,
the operations of the SS divisions and the supporting actions of Armeeabteilung Fretter-Pico and 1. Panzerarmee, and is supported
by over 210 photographs and maps. By the end of January of 1943, Hitler's armies had been dealt a series of defeats by the
Russians, beginning with the disaster at Stalingrad. Successive Soviet offensives had destroyed the German 6. Armee and annihilated
the armies of Germany's Axis allies, Italy, Rumania and Hungary. Germany teetered on the brink of defeat in World War II because
the Soviet advance threatened to drive to the Dnepr River and encircle the remaining Germans armies in southern Russia. Stalin
and the Russian high command believed that the war could be won with just one more great effort. Accordingly, they planned
and launched two offensives, designated Operations "Star" and "Gallop." The focal points of the two offensives included the
recapture of Kharkov, the industrial heart of the Ukraine and the destruction of Armeeabteilung Hollidt, 4. Panzerarmee and
2. Armee. Feldmarschall Erich von Manstein entered the picture in late 1942 when he was appointed commander of Heeresgruppe
Don. Beginning in February he engineered a remarkable operation that changed the course of the war in Russia. Manstein's counteroffensive
destroyed or severely damaged four Russian armies and regained much of the territory lost in January. The troops that played
the most important role in the offensive were three divisions of the Waffen-SS. "Leibstandarte," "Das Reich" and "Totenkopf"
were combined for the first time into a corps, which was commanded by SS-Obergruppenfhrer Paul Hausser, the senior commander
of the Waffen-SS. "Leibstandarte" and "Das Reich" participated in the defense of Kharkov, along with the elite Army division
"Grossdeutschland" supported by three weak infantry divisions. This handful of divisions was attacked by four Soviet armies,
but under command of Armeeabteilung Lanz, was able to hold the city for two weeks. On 14 February, 1943 the SS-Panzerkorps
and the rest of Armeeabteilung Lanz withdrew from Kharkov under disputed circumstances that involved Hausser and his violation
of a direct order from Hitler. Almost exactly a month later, the Germans had recaptured Kharkov and destroyed or crippled
the four Soviet armies that had driven them out of the city in February. The divisions that played the key role in Manstein's
counteroffensive were the three divisions of the Waffen-SS. While "Leibstandarte" defended the supply base of the SS-Panzerkorps
from the entire Soviet 3rd Tank Army, "Das Reich" and "Totenkopf" conducted a complex series of operations that began with
a 100 kilometer thrust to the south which saved the Dnepr bridges, thus securing supply lines for the armies of Heeresgruppe
Don/Sd. Subsequent operations by the SS divisions drove the Russians away from the rail net south of Kharkov and wrested Kharkov
from the Russians once again. During the recapture of the city, there was controversy regarding Hausser's command decisions.
Hausser has been accused of disregarding his instructions from superior officers and throwing his divisions into costly combat
in the city for reasons of personal and SS prestige, in order to regain Hitler's favor. This study has found that the records
of the SS-Panzerkorps and 4. Panzerarmee provide a different explanation for Hausser's actions. Size: 8.5"x11", over 210b/w
photos, 300 pages. (SCH) Price - $59.95

Army Group North
The Wehrmacht in Russia 1941-1945
After long years of studying sources and literature, Werner Haupt presents the military history of
one of the larger theaters of World War II. The completion of the history of "Army Group North" is the result of the
author`s utilization of all German and Russian literature, as well as thoses combat diaries and documents of the committed
troop units that are available in German archives. In addition, the author was assisted in clearing up several questions by
the advice of former members of the army group - from commanders to drivers. This series by Werner Haupt will continue
with a vloume each on Army Group Center and Army Group South. The author served in the German Army as a soldier and officer
in the northern sector of the Eastern Front during the Second World War. Hard cover, size 6"x 9", illustrations: 45 B/W
photos, 3 maps, pages: 416. Price - $35.00

Army Group Center
The Wehrmacht in Russia 1941-1945
This is the second volume in the series of The Wehrmacht in Russia.
Hard cover, sizse 6"x9", illustrations: 79 B/W photos, 10 maps, 400 pages.
Price - $35.00